Nothing But Hot Air: Los Angeles Officials Ban Leaf Blowers To Slow The Spread Of Wildfires

1 month ago

Posted • January 12, 2025: As wildfires continue to spread, Los Angeles officials are banning leaf blowers and other powerful air blower devices. Yep, that’ll do it! We’re saved! Here’s the announcement: Los Angeles's response to the rampant wildfires: BANNING powered air blowers county wide per Democrat LA County Supervisor Lindsey Horvath. -- Ah yes, climate change and leaf blowers are what caused this. Yep, that will help fight fires. Banning leaf blowers. Yep, striking a blow by stopping the blow! Posters on social media can’t stop laughing at how ineffective and incompetent ‘leadership’ is in Los Angeles. -- These people are a joke. I am sad for the Angelinos who has to suffer them - mostly through their choice of electing these bafoons - but l the rest of the country can see the practical outcome of what being governed by these people looks like.

I have never witnessed such a concentration of officials engaging in gaslighting simultaneously. Their delivery consists solely of reading prepared statements, lacking any genuine emotion. It is disheartening, as this scripted approach fails to resonate effectively. -- I guess when one is out of ideas they try anything. The time for actual preventative measures is long gone. Now, it seems officials are doing anything, no matter how silly, to look like they’re concerned and working to end the wildfire crisis. California looks like a loony bin to those of us living in sane states. The only things that blow hot air that need to be banned are the cadre of Democrats that got California into this mess. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Nothing but Hot Air: Los Angeles Officials Ban Leaf Blowers to Slow the Spread of Wildfires

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