5 Mysterious Balls of Light: Intelligent White Orbs Caught on Camera

18 days ago

On May 28, 2015, at 4:00 am, a rabbi in Southeast Ukraine spotted a glowing ball of light on his synagogue's CCTV. About the size of a soccer ball, it hovered for 20 seconds before disappearing. Experts are puzzled, with theories ranging from UFOs to ghosts, or even a rare phenomenon called "ball lightning."

While some dismiss the light as a natural occurrence, other mysterious orbs show signs of intelligence. In 2013, a Russian CCTV captured a white orb with purposeful movement along a secluded road. In 2011, a restaurant camera filmed a small orb that split into two and moved together. In 2012, a videographer recorded a hovering orb in his backyard, dismissing it as dust or a bug.

One of the most famous orb sightings occurred in 1996 at Oliver's Castle, Wiltshire, where orbs were seen creating crop circles.

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