BGMCTV P171 Parash 13 Sh’mot - Names

17 days ago

BGMCTV P171 Parash 13 Sh’mot 1:1-6:1

The Book of Sh’mot (Exodus)
First part 7 sections
(1) the preparation for the saving work of Yehovah, through the multiplication of Israel into a great people and their oppression in Egypt (Exo 1), and through the birth and preservation of their liberator (Exo 2);
(2) the call and training of Moshe to be the deliverer and leader of Israel (Exo 3 and 4);
(3) the mission of Moshe to Pharaoh (Exo 5-7:7);
(4) the negotiations between Moshe and Pharaoh concerning the emancipation of Israel, which were carried on both in words and deeds or miraculous signs (Exo_7:8-11);
(5) the consecration of Israel as the covenant nation through the institution of the feast of Passover;
(6) the exodus of Israel effected through the slaying of the first-born of the Egyptians (Exo 12-13:16); and
(7) the passage of Israel through the Red Sea, and destruction of Pharaoh and his host, with Israel's song of triumph at its deliverance (Exo 13:17-15:21).

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