Karin Huffer Interview Legal Abuse Syndrome (PTSD)

2 months ago

This is an interview I downloaded September 21, 2018 when I was standing up for my dad against my mom in family court.
Unfortunately it caused me to have PTSD. The second I step into a court room my body vibrates & my anxiety skyrockets.
Family court especially causes PTSD as well as any lawsuit would when your trying to make them hear the truth & there spitting out lies trying to make the judge believe them. You go in thinking that courts are about truth & realize even the lawyers lie.

The problem is, if the one lying is believable & the judge believes them, then the truth doesn’t matter. Thats just one way the legal system is broken. You can go to court over & over again fighting for the same thing & even when the judge does believe you the opposing party can breach the court order & then you do it all over again. A vicious never ending cycle.

Karin D. Huffer, PhD Died Wednesday, October 24, 2018 Age 77


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