Patriot Punkcast #74 - Bollocks, Bribes & Brothels with Charles Cook

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The General Assembly is about to reconvene and the propaganda machines are working overtime to sway you to supporting the Big Government Establishment that's been ruining your lives for decades.
A Hendersonville Police Officer was arrested for DUI after leading police on a chase at over 100mph, then, he asked for his fellow law enforcement officer to turn off the body camera.
Governor Bill Lee still plans to Bribe teachers into supporting his Voucher Lie, and an Antioch Brothel gets busted.
And how could we forget Traffic? We are going to Discuss New York's Congestion pricing and how it relates to what is on the horizon in Tennessee.

Plus, what's the deal with all these new jails? All this and more on tonight's Patriot Punkcast!

Joining us tonight is Charles Cook of the Charles Cook Podcast. Charles was born & raised in Morristown, TN. Charles and his wife, Jennifer, have been married for 32 years & have 2 wonderful sons. Charles became politically active after a large property tax increase in 2007.

Never Mind the Bollocks, Watch the Patriot Punkcast.

TAGS: Tennessee, TN Politics, TN News, Tennessee Government, Tennessee, Charles Cook, Patriot Punkcast, Jail, Vouchers, Brothel, Bribes, Teachers Unions, Police, Corrupt Police, Local news, Republican politics, Tennessee Republicans, Libertarian News, Liberty, Freedom, DUI, Tennessee Crime, Tennessee Podcasts, Podcasts, News, Trending

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