Cancer Full Moon Jan 13 ’25 Astrology and Frequencies #astrology #highvibe #frequenciesforyourlife

27 days ago
36 This cancer full moon is known as the “wolf moon”. According to the old farmer’s almanac, it was the full moon in January when more wolf howls were heard. Howls represent how wolves signal their pack to gather for the hunt, but they also howl to defend their territory, locate members and reinforce social bonding. it is a perfect analogy for this Cancer Full Moon, and a signal to the human family to channel their “inner wolf”, letting would-be predators know that “we are sheep no more”. A t-square from Chiron in Aries, with Chiron also making its return and final conjunction to the USA’s Chiron at 20 Aries as it ends one 50-year cycle and begins a new one, is more than a little auspicious. The USA is beginning to heal from an ancient “identity crisis”, but a new 50-year cycle will support the healing of our homeland, with Jupiter in the 4th house of the Chiron return chart for Feb 18, ’25.

New Service! I am now certified to offer eligible clients Anrita Melchizedek’s Galactic Activations to assist in the ascension process. Please visit for more information.

Planetary Frequencies: 16:16
Galactic Activations Info: 20:50

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Planetary Frequencies:
Sun/FM/Chiron t-square
Uranus/Sun/Moon sextile and trine
Uranus/SN Chiron)/NN(Neptune)
Sedna/SN(Mercury)/NN(Jupiter) trine
Sedna/SN(Chiron)/NN(Neptune) trine
SN (ruler Mercury)/NN (ruler Jupiter)/Neptune opposition/conj.
SN (ruler Chiron)/NN (ruler Jupiter)/Neptune opposition/conj.

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