Dr. Suzanne Humphries – “Vaccine Truth”

13 days ago

***READ This → Doctors are not Rewarded for Watching People Get Healthy.

They are "incentivized" to TRAIN Parents into believing in the system - that Babies need to be injected with Polysorbate 80, Aluminum, Thimerosal -- OVER & OVER again.

If it is for TRAINING the Parents to be "responsible" parents, then why not Inject with Saline Solution?

Can read this on blog also: https://mrnavac.blogspot.com/2025/01/dr-suzanne-humphries-vaccine-truth.html

Why inject Disease Matter that won't be effective in any shape, way or form but it WILL be Problematic down the road.

Infants are NOT born with Immune Dysfunction. The jab ingredients cause immune dysfunction.

Parents are being trained to turn your children into cash cows for a big pharma industrial criminal complex.

To create lifetime customers.

Asthma, Allergies, ADHD, Immune Disorders, Ear Infections, etc, etc.

Is your child born with a Bovine Serum Deficiency?

A Canine Kidney Deficiency?

An Aluminum Deficiency?

A Thimerosal Deficiency?

A Formaldehyde Deficiency?

A Human Diploid Lung Fibroblast Deficiency?

A Monkey Kidney Cell Deficiency?

The list of healthy vaccine ingredients goes on and on.

Doctors are TRAINED to Train Parents to become Dependent on the Medical System.

Are doctors even aware of this? NO. They "trust" their training.

ALL doctors owe a Debt of Gratitude to Pediatricians for introducing millions of new patients / customers (about 10,000 Newborns) to the system every day.

That is why the Cabal Pays Doctors so Well.

Do We Really Have "Health Care"

How can Vaxxines & Drugs like Tamiflu even be considered "health" promoting?

Death should NEVER be a Side Effect of something that is healthy.

The intention of Doctors is good. They trust their training.

They trust their scientific literature that comes from studies funded by Big Pharma industry - which includes the NIH, NAIAD and DARPA grants.

When you get one sided science, you never really know the other side.

If doctors question the "other side" they are censored and threatened to have their medical license revoked.

So, do doctors act Independently any more or are they caught in a system of tyranny being coerced to rely on the "regulatory" agencies - which includes all 3 letter agencies, medical boards and direct data from Pharma.

Who is held responsible when the drugs prescribed by doctors cause harm?

If doctors act in good faith, they can't be responsible.

That leaves all the external factors - suing the government is next to impossible.

Big Pharma has immunity for all vaccines, so they can legally poison the public and we can't do anything.

Things will never change if no one ever is held accountable.

That leaves it up to the doctors themselves to do their own research and just open their eyes instead of "trusting the fake science" that is fed to them by Organizations - like the WHO, that were founding by actual Nazi's who literally came from German Concentration camps.

How can we trust science coming from those who hate humanity?

One thing that we ALL can do is ask your doctor to INFORM you on the potential RISKS associated with any drug or vaccine they are prescribing.

This is called INFORMED CONSENT.

Informed Consent - we have the Right to be "informed" of the Risks, Side Effects & Complications that may result after taking a medication or vaccine.

You have the right to ask for data and studies be explained to you.

You have the right to see the vaccine insert, which should have the active vaccine ingredients and excipients.

You have the right to ask for Contraindication Studies to ensure that it is safe to administer more than one vaccine at a time.

*Which you won't get because they are not required.

You want to see the Placebo Studies -- and know what was used for that placebo as they have used deadly drugs and labeled that a placebo instead of at treatment vs treatment.

Learn the tricks of the "science."

Ask Questions at the very least.

Once again, we don't have a Mercury deficiency, or an Aluminum deficiency or a Formaldehyde deficiency.

You have the right to ask why they use this ingredient and what it does.

Heavy Metals do not get removed from the body unless you know what supplements to take and it can be a long process.

Heavy Metals accumulate in the body and are responsible for all kinds of diseases.

Is it really worth to take the shot?

Did you know that 97% of SIDS occurred within ONE Week AFTER a Vaccine?

Not before -- AFTER.

Think about that one Parents.

You know what is really INSANE?

Now they are vaccinating sick people in the hospital who likely got there in the first place from an accumulation of healthy jabs.

They are also vaccinating Pregnant Mothers.

These are true crimes against humanity but the are viewed as “healthy medical treatment.”

You know what they call Doctors who do focus on watching patients get healthy?

They call them Quacks.

Those Quacks are publicly shunned, shamed, censored and placed in front of medical boards for not following "protocol standards."

That’s the Luciferian Way of Inverting Truth.

The first step in “waking up” is to realize that Rockefeller Trained Medical System is a system focused on DISEASE and NOT health.

See how the system was set up WORLDWIDE in the Early 1900’s – see this →

***The Pyramid of Power – Chapter 7 – Big Pharma & The Medical Cartel



*Also See: Vaccine Ingredients → https://mrnavac.blogspot.com/2025/01/vaccine-ingredients.html

Source: LouisMarsChalkos - https://odysee.com/@louismarschalko:2/Dr.-Suzanne-Humphries-_-The-Truth-About-Vaccines0:f

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END. 1/14/2025 9:00 PM

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