Episode 210 What in the actual Internet?! Part 13 These people have kids?

26 days ago

Season 8 finale is out and I’m so so grateful this season ended with one of my best.

Since we protect those we love, I dove into the world of Tik Tok to share some disasters with Hails so she doesn’t have too!!

Only one travelled over to IG so most of this was new info for her and of course she doesn’t disappoint 😂

We talk about problematic Tik Tok parents like Nurse Hannah (17 diapers mom)…. we talk about the resilient Jenkins family who make their kids sleep in the kitchen and keep expanding… we talk about Ash Trevino, the inmate hopper who acts like a teenager & seems like a predator at best and a criminal at worst, and then we unfortunately chat about the couple who was sentenced to 100 years in prison for assaulting young special need boys.

These people need to be stopped and CPS definitely needs to get involved and get these families the support and help they need.

And fore the love of fuck please keep your kids out of your monetized content. Be better at creating don’t exploit your kids. Period.

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