Don't Settle For a Version Of You That You Know Is Not Your Best

14 days ago

My son Nathan asked to watch this reel and said "I've never said that"

That's a massive win for me.

Had I not made changes he WOULD be saying that.

I was on a path to looking 20 years older that I was and feeling like it, but I looked at my family and knew they deserved better.

I didn't want to be that father.

The one that "used to do awesome things"

The fire inside grows hotter each day to push myself further toward my best self.

I'm not even close.

My best is yet to come.

There's still time for me to love more fully.

Lead stronger.

Speak more powerfully.

Be a smarter businessman.

Serve more.

Give more.

Make a greater impact.

Don't settle for a version of you that you know is not your best.

You owe it to yourself.

You owe it to your family.

Get your fire back.

It's time to rise.

💥If you’re a father who “used to” be in great shape, USED to have energy, USED to be passionate, USED to have fire... Then today's the day to apply to my program MEN OF FIRE.


Stop thinking.

The time to rise is NOW.

Free Training For Men:

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