Season 3 Episodes 40: Interview JB Hixson: The Spirit of The False Prophet

1 month ago

Originally aired 12/15/24. I have a special guest today, JB Hixson. JB joined me for yesterday’s show, and so we are honored that he stayed on the line talk with us for a 2nd show.

J. B. Hixson is a nationally known author, speaker, and radio host, with more than thirty-five years of ministry experience in the pastoral and academic arenas. Recognized for his expertise in the area of Systematic Theology, Dr. Hixson has a passion for communicating important theological truths from God’s Word in a clear and easy to understand way, and for helping others learn how to study the Bible effectively for themselves.

Dr. Hixson has served on the faculties and adjunct faculties of nine colleges and seminaries. He earned his B.A. degree from Houston Baptist University, Th.M. degree from Dallas Theological Seminary, and Ph.D. degree from Baptist Bible Seminary. He is the author of thirteen books including:
• Spirit of the False Prophet: Rise of the Global Technocracy
• Spirit of the Antichrist: The Gathering Cloud of Deception Volume One
• Spirit of the Antichrist: The Gathering Cloud of Deception Volume Two.

And there are many other accomplishments we could highlight.
JB, thank you again for joining me today for this 2nd show.
As we said in the 1st show, you have sort of a Trilogy with your recent books Spirit of the Antichrist 1 & 2, and Spirit of the False Prophet.

These books are engagingly written and incredibly well-researched, with a tremendous body of quotes and background info that really unveils the people, organizations, and plans of these globalists, or LUCIFERIANS as you call them, working together to accomplish Satan’s plans for Global Dominion.

Friends I highly recommend you get the whole set of these intriguing books for yourself and for someone else this Christmas. It's not mere entertainment, these things will open your eyes and give you the info you need to open the eyes of others as well.
JB, in our Saturday show, we focused on the topics relating to your books on The Spirit of the Antichrist.

This show we’re going to focus more on the topics in your book SPIRIT OF THE FALSE PROPHET. Some of the topics are:
• Who is the False Prophet according to the Bible?
• Why is AI the key to the technological global control system
• The Luciferian fascination with TRANSHUMANISM
• Who is Yuval Noah Harari?
• Escaping the Prison Planet

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