Connie Bryan Impersonates Art Bell, William Shatner, Clint Eastwood, Jack Nicholson and Spock!

1 month ago

One of Connie Bryan's funniest Art Bell Show impersonations yet!...On this extra-special episode of the legendary late night talk radio host's 'Ghost to Ghost AM', Art's guest is none other than WILLIAM SHATNER...When Art can't resist wanting to mostly interview him about his iconic role as 'Captain Kirk' on 'STAR TREK', Shatner gets upset and begins to unload on Art about how that role caused him to 'peak too early'...Then one by one, an 'A-LIST' of special callers make a surprise appearance, among them CLINT EASTWOOD wants to lift Shatner's spirits by relating his similar frustration with the character of 'DIRTY HARRY', and then JACK NICHOLSON can't resist calling in to the show to show his respect for Shatner's 'SUPER-LEGEND' status! But ultimately when a young millennial NBC television executive calls in to say they are going to 'censor' one of Star Trek's most iconic episodes, Kirk suddenly changes his tone, and our beloved 'Captain Kirk' comes to life IN LIVING COLOR again! Very funny stuff!! (Please like, subscribe and SHARE this content as much as possible to help us get around the ongoing shadow-banning challenges the show is always dealing with!)

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