2 months ago

People have changed their ideas of right and wrong.

When a people live too long without adversity, they get soft. This applies to individuals as well as society. When a people get soft, their morality gets soft. Worse yet, their morality becomes subject to change and quickly goes out the window. It happens more quickly among the wealthy or the coddled and protected. But it eventually comes upon anybody who has it too good for too long.

The United States has had life far too good for at least a hundred years. During the past 75 or so of these years we’ve allowed our morality to take hit after hit after hit. And we are losing the battle of righteousness and morality.

It began in earnest with “Rosie the Riveter” during the 2nd World War. For the first time women left home to pursue jobs in support of the war effort. Men went to war and women built ships, tanks, etc. The ‘social drafting of women’ was never necessary, but Washington propaganda put women out of their homes knowing full well they wouldn’t want to go back when the time came.

And so the mindset of women regarding motherhood took a huge hit. Like a torpedoed submarine they slid down into the murky deep from whence they have yet to return. The allure of money, power and perceived purpose outweighed the natural mothering instincts of millions of women.

At the end of the war, most women came back home, but a good many kept their jobs and put their kids in day care and public schools. Today’s public schools are our daycare centers. The recent Covid Hysteria proved that. Today daycare centers are cleaning up as they’ve got all the business they can handle. In fact, all the good ones have a waiting list

As parents abrogate their parental responsibility, morality takes yet another hit. When a child sees more of his schoolteachers than parents, again morality takes a hit. Morality concerning family, God, and the respect of manhood and womanhood has taken hit after hit until ‘Morality’ is a dirty word to most. It is seen as ‘puritanical’ and even ‘fanatical’. And that’s because today’s society sucks!

I was chatting with an acquaintance who proudly announced that he and his ‘partner’ had just had a baby. I congratulated him but politely questioned the term, ‘partner’. He admitted that they weren’t married, but were just shacking up. He showed neither shame nor discomfort as he spoke of his ‘partner’ and how they had ‘been together’ for nearly four years. I held my tongue.

Here is a young man gainfully employed and shacking up and now his shack job had born him a child. Well, you can always undo a shack-up by getting married. Once you’re married, it’s a matrimonial bond. You’re husband and wife. You are no longer just ‘partners’.

You can’t undo an illegitimate aka ‘bastard’ child. Once a bastard always a bastard. This little one is born out of wedlock from a pair of ‘shacks’.

Nothing can change this fact and more is the pity for the little one. One day, when the pendulum of morality swings back, such a child will bear the stigma of illegitimacy. And it’s not his fault, that belongs to ‘Mommy and Daddy’. At least these folks who shunned marriage did place value on the life of their child.

Today, far too many people have decided that life is ‘subjective’ and murdering a baby in the womb, partially born, or completely born is acceptable, and sometimes preferable. Too many people have accepted infanticide as a ‘medical procedure’ and even ‘a woman’s choice’.
That makes no sense at all!

Organized religion, long supporters of biblical morality, have begun shedding their sheep’s clothing and are endorsing these Satanic practices. Masters of the excuse, many clergy openly endorse ‘a woman’s choice’ in the matter of abortion and ‘family choice’ in the matter of euthanasia.

There are churches, even those we believe to be the pillars of morality, who accept ‘abortion’ as long as the pregnancy is the result of incest, rape, or danger to the life or quality of life of the mother. This revised set of ‘excuses and inclusions’ is today’s scarlet letter.

Thankfully, there are those among us who still value human life. The most vulnerable of all people, infants and the elderly, are being slaughtered through abortion and euthanasia. Americans by and large accept these horrific practices. They address these with the most asinine of responses, “It’s their business and their belief. Who are we to judge them?”

This is the same as saying, “Let them murder at will and keep your nose out of it. Murder is family business.” Outside of being members of a notorious crime family, doesn’t’ that sound asinine? Sure it does! Let’s try this one; What if a child is found to be mentally retarded or physically deformed but he or she is already nearly a year old. Many birth defects aren’t obvious until about ten to twelve months. Would it still be okay to kill him or her? After all, isn’t age arbitrary, even subjective?

How is it that when someone is responsible for the death of a pregnant woman in a car crash he or she is charged with two cases of vehicular manslaughter? There are two lives according to the law. That woman might have been on her way to Planned Parenthood® to have her child slaughtered. But for the distance between the accident scene and the abortion mill the count of the dead was halved.

Today we’ve covered marriage and childbirth. We’ve covered slaughter of the innocents. We’ve covered the tolerance and even endorsement of organized execution of senior citizens and the infirm to death. We’ve visited moral standards paralleling those of Adolf Hitler.

There is ‘wrong’ and there is ‘right’ and nothing you can say will erase the truth.

I’m Max, and that’s the way I see it!

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