2 months ago

Confess Every Day For A Good Period of Time To Feed Your spirit andReceive Things From God
• Faith-Building Bits of Scripture For People On The Run
• To be used to confess for yourself and loved ones to build Faith and receive answers from God.
• I. I/ we’re Absolutely the Righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, No weapon formed against me/us will prosper, By the stripes of Jesus me/us were healed. I/we have the shield of faith and it quenches all the fiery darts of the wicked. The love of Jesus constrains us because we judged that Jesus died for us so our old self died with Him(5 X).
• II. I/we can do all things through Jesus, God is supplying all my/our needs, I/we’re growing in wisdom and stature, favor with God and people (5 X).
• III. I/we have the victory, always triumph in Christ Jesus, are world Overcomers, are more than Conquerors. Greater is He that is in me/us than he who is in the world and since God is for us, who can be against us. (5 X).
• IV. I/We’re enjoying our 100 fold return, rights and benefits as Tithers and givers, stolen money returned to me/us. People are giving money and good things to us good measure. Jesus will never leave us nor forsake us. He is with us always even till the end of the age. (5 X).
• V. I/we’ve been delivered from the power of darkness and translated into the kingdom of Jesus. I/we were made alive raised and seated with Jesus. I/we conquered demons and powers and made a show of them in Jesus. I/we’ve been blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ. Everything that’s under Jesus feet is under my/ours. I/we have been redeemed from the curse of the law and the blessings of Abraham are mine/ours. I/we’re redeemed from poverty, sickness, spiritual death and this present evil world. (5X)
• VI. The peace of God is keeping my/our heart, mind brain and body in Jesus. I/we have the mind of Christ. Sin sickness, demons, people shall not have dominion over me/us. Jesus set us free. God hasn’t given my/us the spirit of fear but power, love and a sound mind. I/we’re receiving the engrafted word that is saving my/our soul. The fruit of my our spirit is, love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, meekness, faith, temperance. Jesus has crucified our flesh with its affections and lusts. (5X)
• VII. I/we cast all care upon Jesus, The Father, He cares for us. I/we are carefuL for nothing, we don’t worry about anything. My/ our prayers, positive confessions, word confessions, faith lead activities, propagation of the Gospel are powerful and change things to the good and to the will of God. I/we live by faith. I/we walk by faith and not by sight feelings or circumstances. Everywhere I/we have been and are going we bring a great revival for God is with me/us, everywhere I/we have sent the word and are sending the word, God is sending great revival in Jesus name and saving souls for Jesus and giving them Zoe Life because He watches over His word to perform it, it will not return to Him void and His word is growing multiplying increasing and prevailing.

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