
1 month ago

In Singapore, waste management is a well-organized process involving several stages to ensure minimal environmental impact. The journey of trash begins with households and businesses segregating waste into recyclable and non-recyclable categories. The non-recyclable waste is collected and transported to one of the country's waste-to-energy (WTE) plants. These facilities incinerate the waste, significantly reducing its volume by up to 90%. The heat generated during incineration is converted into energy, which helps power the nation. The ash produced is then sent to the Semakau Landfill, Singapore's offshore landfill, designed to minimize environmental impact.

Recyclable waste, on the other hand, is processed separately. It is collected and sent to materials recovery facilities, where it is sorted, cleaned, and processed into raw materials for manufacturing new products. Singapore's National Environment Agency (NEA) actively promotes recycling initiatives and public awareness campaigns to encourage more sustainable waste management practices. Through these comprehensive efforts, Singapore aims to achieve a zero-waste future by maximizing recycling and minimizing landfill usage.

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