Juze Behind World War II Documentary

14 days ago

Documentary by Aiden Hunter based on the book “The Jewish Hand in the World Wars” by Thomas Dalton PhD. Who played the leading role in dragging America into World War II? “Jews were behind the First World War as well. And yes, they were behind the wars in the Middle East (and still are).

I used Dalton's excellent, meticulously sourced book “The Jewish Hand in the World Wars” to make this video. Most of it is word for word. I highly recommend reading that book if anyone wants a fuller accounting, with even more details.” Aiden Hunter on X

Book is banned on Amazon, but you can still get it here:



Jews Behind World War I

Jacob Schiff (Jew), A Wall Street billionaire and the president of the Kuhn, Loeb Bank, along with a group of Jewish bankers and financiers including Paul Warburg (Jew), the brother-in law to Schiff and Woodrow Wilson's appointee to the first Federal Reserve Board) had financed both Woodrow Wilson's campaign for governor of New Jersey along with his run for the presidency. These Jews virtually controlled Wilson because they had been responsible for his career.

In March of 1917, Jacob Schiff and Max Warburg (Jew) (who spent more than $20 million worth about $750 today on the training and the financing of the Russian Revolution) sent Lev Davidovich Bronstein, a Jew better known as "Leon Trotsky" and his group of several hundred Jewish communists off to Russia, to foment a revolution.

This financing helped bring Trotsky and the Bolsheviks to power, and on July 17th, 1918, Jewish assassins, Yurovsky, Nikulin, Yermakov, Vaganov murdered the Russian Tsar Nicholas along with his whole family.

President Woodrow Wilson was highly malleable in the hands of the Jews including those of Jacob Schiff. Immediately after the British had promised the Jews a homeland in Palestine, these American Jews began pressuring the Wilson administration to enter the war against Germany. On April 6, 1917 the United States Congress had officially declared war on Germany.

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