#Hoya Surprises: Part4 - Hoya Krinkle8 #flowers starting to drop off a month after #blooming #plants

1 month ago

​ @terrablaze1

Part 4
Species: Hoya Krinkle 8 flowers are beginning to shrivel in on October11, al most a month after blooming.

Part 3
Species: Hoya Krinkle 8 plant is in full bloom on September 26, 12 days after budding appeared on the peduncle.

Part 2
Species: Hoya Krinkle 8 plant started to bloom on September 24, albeit partial bloom since not all flower buds opened 10 days after the peduncles sprang up.

Part 1
Species: Hoya Krinkle 8 plant showing a huge peduncle on Saturday, Sep 14 when the blooming begins to be tracked. The video of the start of the peduncle on Sep 14, the start of the blooming cycle in this case.

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