Award-winning singer/songwriter Rooster Blackspur with “Nashville (The Cinderella Sessions)” !

1 month ago

Award-winning singer/songwriter Rooster Blackspur talks about her latest release “Nashville (The Cinderella Sessions)” featuring “Hard Road’, “I Saw You”, “Kicking Up Dust”, etc., along with her previous albums “Brand New Start”, “Reimagining October” and her singles “Great Big Mama Sunshine”, “Child of the Wild”, “Big Dipper”, “711 Lucky Street” and more! Rooster began her career singing in Alaska later making a name for herself in New Mexico sharing her stories of her experience, and discusses her new release as an artist with a personal journey in her life while embracing a new chapter in Nashville, plus shares her stories behind the music! Check out the amazing Rooster Blackspur and her new release on all major platforms and today! #roosterblackspur #alaska #newmexico #nashville #thecinderellasessions #hardroad #isawyou #reimaginingoctober #greatbigmamasunshine #bigdipper #711luckystreet #spreaker #iheartradio #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnerroosterblackspur #themikewagnershowroosterblackspur

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