looking for love is almost as pointless as taking a metal detector to a beach

1 month ago

i won't let chu fall vortex
america is a place that we never really had
i'm sure i would feel this way anywhere else
everything they do they must announce
everything is a performance that i've noticed since i was a kid
i wouldn't forsake this loneliness for anything
my mind tells me that it has to be this way
settling down doesn't even occur to me as a potential option
any attempt at normalcy, so laughable
don't worry i'll light a match n nuke the fuck outta this
i get addiction to the television considering the futility of most relationships
paisley is my soulmate in feline form
ag will never be domesticated!
it's wrong for me to expect anyone to know where i've been in my life
why am i so disgusted by any kinda attraction to me
few actually find the real thing
policies will never make things fair tho it might give off the appearance
you want me til you got me n then you'll understand why i am so opposed to that sorta thing
standup comedy replaced my urge for companionship
this foolish idea presented to me in public school
it's fine to be hated as long as it's for a good cause
many ways to be hated in the west
christianity is a lot like lsd
i ain't scared of hell since i used to be an alcoholic
oh yeah i can take the Kingdom of heaven w/ me
all the fat people that are rude to me don't bother me
they're screwed cos they refuse to work on themselves
the lie of materialistic culture
i can't stop saying this cos materialism really is the problem
social media is for people that gotta prove sumin
every 7min they change the narrative on us
you don't have to be enslaved by _______
i'm so lucky to have never upgraded my phone
most will never understand the true intention of those that run the world
this is what chu get for blindly trusting _______
why would they teach skepticism in school
eventually we won't look like this (i hope)
if i ever miss looking this way i can just watch this video again

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