Whole Wheat Pizza made with Freshly Milled Flour

2 months ago

I am making 2025 the year of Freshly Milled Wheat. I have been milling my own flour for over ten years. Slowly using less and less processed foods in our diet.

345 grams/ 1 1/2 cups warm water
2 Tablespoons honey
**Mix to blend honey into the water
2 1/4 teaspoons yeast
**Bloom for 5 minutes to activate the yeast
2 Tablespoons olive oil
460 grams/3 2/3 cups hard white wheat flour
1 1/2 teaspoon salt
**Knead 5 minutes and test the dough, add more flour one Tablespoon at a time if necessary
**Knead an additional 5 minutes, for a total of 10 minutes of kneading
**Divide into 2 equal dough balls, cover and let rise 45-60 minutes
**Shape and top pizzas
**Bake on a baking steel, pizza stone or baking sheet in an oven set to 500ºF 8-10 minutes
**I often put the pizza on parchment paper and cook it for 2-3 minutes then remove the parchment and finish baking. This makes transferring the pizza into the oven easier

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