100 through 1 Cenuntrigintillion | 1 Followed by 396 Zeros

1 month ago

Big numbers? https://youtu.be/LEMlSR6hJ5E
Older video but still about... big numbers? https://youtu.be/EJohwXYtvFo

1:57 Undecillion
3:32 Trigintillion
5:52 Octaquinquagintillion
7:52 Duooctogintillion
9:32 Cendotillion
11:17 Centrevigintillion

Big numbers? You bet. How many zeros are in a quintrigintillion? How do you pronounce a “quattuorsexagintillion”? Beats me! In fact, there are several big numbers (okay, most of them) I can’t pronounce correctly. I’ll do my best, so hold off on clubbing me with a baguette when I butcher “cennovemtrigintillion”. Is this a life-saving skill for your kiddo like knowing how to drive a manual or swimming? No. Is it going to enhance problem-solving skills? Unlikely. It’s a fun detour, and it’s something fierce when you think about the sheer infiniteness of numbers. Ready? Let’s bulldoze our way through powers of 10 in this epic math video for kids, starting with 100 and working our way up to the big granddaddy, a number so big, even bigger than a centillion, we can barely fit all its zeros into the thumbnail!

But wait! There’s more! Watch the full-length episode where we go all the way to ONE HUNDRED CENQUINSEXAGINTILLION… one hundred cenquinsexagintillion… That’s 1 followed by 500 ZEROS! Plus, your student can watch all (NEW) episodes early + download guides (those newfangled academia folks call “curriculum”) and other bonuses like community challenges when ya join the Greater Gator's class: https://keenumbers.com

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Job 38:4-5

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