Genesis Chapters 49 and 50 Explanation

2 months ago

Join host Billy Ray Parrish for Diggin' Deeper: a simple Bible Study where we go diggin' deeper into the Word of God. The final two chapters of the book of Genesis is not just an ending to the first book of the Bible but an ending to a piece of history. Literally, the events in Genesis are the first recorded happenings in human history and we have been lucky enough to learn and understand of them better. These two chapters say goodbye to Jacob and Joseph and his family as there is a two hundred plus year gap between Genesis and Exodus but the book of Genesis is just the beginning of the wonders of our Lord. If you liked what you just watched, like and share our content. It really helps us grow. And think about subscribing to our channel which will help you keep up to date with all of our content. Stay safe and God bless!

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