Standing With Jesus: Will You Remain Faithful When You Lose Everything?

2 months ago

The Government has seized all Christian Churches and Ministries, as well as seizing all of their assets. All Church and Ministry Employees are now Government Employees ordered to only preach and teach an uncontroversial and inclusive message approved by the Government. It is now illegal to speak, believe, or preach any Religious words not in agreement with what the Government has authorized. It is illegal to call yourself a Christian, punishable by imprisonment and loss of all assets and belongings. Your door may be kicked in at any moment with Government Forces come to arrest you and your family.

What will you do? Will you stand with Jesus? Is your Faith strong enough to remain true if you lose everything?

The United States Economy has completely collapsed. Tens of Millions, including yourself, have been out of work for months. Due to overwhelming debts and soaring prices everything has been taken away. You, and everyone you know, are living in the streets scrounging for food anywhere you can find it. What will you do? Will you stand with Jesus when everything is lost?

A VOICE CRYING IN THE DESERT Missions Outreach Ministry Presents:


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Standing With Jesus: Will You Remain Faithful When You Lose Everything?

Jesus and the writers of the New Testament Books make it clear the opening scenarios are not fantasy. And they are not fear mongering or meant to scare you. Rather, they are what is going to happen to those who are True to Christ in the Last Days, which we are now in. These things will happen. The only question will be if you are prepared to stand on the Solid Rock when you lose everything and simply being a Follower of Christ is illegal.

Contact James Carter for how to support our Outreach Missions Work.

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