1 month ago

I didn't realize what was going on behind me until this black car came up on me from nowhere. Once I noticed them and how close they were tailgating me, I made sure my camera was recording. When I finally looked at the video, I realized there was an apparent road rage situation going on a good distance behind me. I apologize for the initial blurry video, but they were pretty far back behind me, and I had to zoom in a long distance to see what was going on.

What transpired was the black car was being pursued by the pick up truck you will see later in the video. This black car was speeding, tailgating, and passing in dangerous no passing zones with oncoming traffic. The pick up truck driver was no innocent party in this event. After I was passed by the black car, the truck driver quickly began to tailgate me. Once we made it through the roundabout, He decided to pass me to the right off the roadway, while I was making a left turn, in order to catch up with the black car. I'm not sure if he was able to catch up or not, but they were both being reckless. It's no wonder our insurance rates keep rising. Some people should never be allowed to drive.

I hope you enjoy the video! Please like subscribe and share.

Produced with CyberLink PowerDirector

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