SHOCK Labour Plan to Fleece BILLIONS From The Disabled!

1 month ago

Right, so the Labour government of Keir Starmer has had 14 years of being in opposition to formulate a plan to rebuild the economy after the disasters of recent Tory administrations, the mockery of the Liz Truss minibudget and the consequences of that still ringing in all of our ears and of course we’re still living with the consequences of that in far too many cases.
But despite having such a long time to come up with an alternative and despite Rachel Reeves making all manner of big claims about her economic prowess and experience, all she did was copy the disastrous austerity plans of maths flunky George Osborne and has found herself now in an omnishambles all of her own making.
Wel lived through austerity before, nobody voted for a Labour government standing on a platform of change to see a rerun of the Cameron and Osborne years with all the damage to incomes that brought with it, but especially nobody voted to see a rerun of attacks on the long term sick and disabled again, made out to be the biggest drain on society going with all the fatal consequences that came with that and yet here, yet again, to get herself out of a budgetary mess of her own making, Rachel Reeves is now planning an all new multibillion pound assault on these same people, for the sake of calming the economy that she has screwed up.
Right, so Rachel Reeves, currently having run off to China to escape from the fallout of her own economic decisions has behind the scenes been scrabbling around for a solution to her own mess. Having hiked national insurance on employers, she ended up triggering large numbers of job losses as businesses could no longer afford to employ everyone, the pound has gone into freefall, a run on the pound that the Labour right and the Tories both said Jeremy Corbyn would cause and yet it wasn’t his plans at all, but Liz Truss first and now Rachel Reeves who have done just that, the accusers being to blame instead, anyone might look at that and think, whoops, we should have backed Jez and yeah, you’d be right, but there’s no point crying about it now, we’ve got to deal with what is in front of us. But of course as tough as it is to look at for those who supported Labour and especially those who scoffed at the idiocy of Liz Truss making completely uncosted spending plans, Labour now look all the worse, because they claimed they had a plan for growth. Instead borrowing is now more expensive for the government than at any time since 1998, as the gilt market, the government bond market hit more than 5%, that’s quite the interest rate they’ve created for themselves.
Well Rachel from accounts as Reeves as become known now, not the economist she claimed to be at all, is now in panic mode and has apparently been scrabbling around for ideas of what to do. Her options are to fix things properly and instigate a wealth tax and tap the billions and billions in private wealth held by those at the top, or to rehash more Osbornomics as she’s been doing all along really, by pursuing a course of austerity, including of course even more spending cuts which we’ve already had to put up with years of and squeeze us all all the more. Obviously option 2 is what she’s going to do, because never will a party that owes the wealthy everything that they do, from donations to MPs to the party itself, dream of biting the hand that funds them, even though the economy and the bulk of British society and services needs somebody to now do exactly that.
Instead, we’ve had a stream of different options being mulled in the press regarding what Reeves could do.
She’s already attacked pensioners once, having stripped them of the winter fuel allowance, now she’s apparently considering going after their free prescriptions, stripping them from the over 60’s. If freezing older people during winter won’t finish enough of them off, removing their ability to affordably access their medications, and they typically take more of them, and notably roughly half of the UKs 16m registered disabled people are over 60, it comes across as a political choice based on eugenics as much as poor economics. But that is just one option under consideration.
Then of course there are the cuts to departmental spending, all of this was coming out ahead of Reeves planned trip to China, the urging from opposition politicians was for her to cancel that trip and deal with the mess our economy is in here instead, but she didn’t, she disappeared off to China to press flesh and try and gain some Chinese investment in the UK, which currently stands at all of 0.2% apparently, so doesn’t amount to a hill of beans, her trip largely therefore a pointless jolly, when she should be here dealing with the mess her budget has caused.
Now bond markets have risen all over the world and Labour defenders will be pointing to this as an excuse to both calm critics and defend the lego headed Osborne copy cat passing herself off as an economist. But if that were the case, why are so many on the Labour backbenches losing faith in Reeves themselves, so many of them hand picked yes men by Keir Starmer when he rigged candidate selections, so we can’t say they’re all rotten lefties, because there’s so few of them left, but equally the fear is cuts to non protected departments and one that has come into sharp focus particularly here, is the Department for Work and Pensions a favourite department of George Osborne’s of course to give a solid kicking to.
A hike in the state pension age to 70 is being mooted heavily, some have even been talking about the state pension ending up being means tested and for people who have paid national insurance all their working lives in the belief that they were paying into their state pension pot, it’ll come as an especially bitter blow to them to find out that actually it is treated as a benefit these days and benefit claimants are coming in for an almighty assault as is being reported today.
The caveat here is that this is being reported in the right wing mainstream media, but given how much they revelled in benefit cuts before and indeed how much it has matched some of the terrifying language of people like Rachel Reeves and DWP boss Liz Kendall and they are looking to make billions in savings here, save Reeves bacon and make sure she doesn’t break her own fiscal rules and are prepared to do that off the backs of the sick and disabled.
Now the government mantra to excuse this is the same that it has always been, that Labour are the party of work and of course when work pays so little and when the income tax threshold never goes up, more people are seeing more of their meagre incomes disappearing as their incomes never go up. More and more people in work therefore are becoming benefit claimants to top up their incomes and of course more and more people are becoming aware of this so I don’t feel attacks on benefits land as well as they used to, however when you turn solely to those who are long term sick and disabled, for some reason people still feel this is a group that deserves to be hit, people already on low incomes and having to deal with health issues on top of that, I’ve never understood the perversion of British society that leads people to hate them more, than the very wealthy who are not paying their share and who became even more wealthy through the austerity years that hurt so many of us, yet still that is Labour’s plan and as such it is Personal Independence Payment , or PIP, rules looking set for an overhaul, to boot even more people off the support they need.
As a self proclaimed party of work, it’s worth noting that PIP is literally a lifeline for many disabled people to get them to work themselves and without it, they may not be able to work, so this targeting of PIP would be discriminatory by actively harming disabled people to access work, it’s a move likely to end up in the courts I fancy. That is quite aside from it being an essential additional income to support additional needs with day to day activities such as accessing treatments and medical appointments, it is a sign of a civilised society looking after those who need more help and we should be proud we live in such a society, not proud of politicians or people who are hard of thinking, largely dumbed down by the mainstream media sadly, who get off on such stories and take advantage of them to enact cruel policies that these people should be attacked and penalised instead.
As for the inevitable, but some are lead swingers, some are on the take argument, I’m not even going to brook that discussion when the fraud in the benefit system, when 360 times more is lost to tax avoidance and evasion and that the amount of benefits that go unclaimed each year is 10 times that which is lost to fraud. If the economy is what matters, the government are blatantly targeting the wrong people, but we all know why that is don’t we?
Just as we had a slash and burn approach from the Tories, it’s cut, cut, cut again from Starmer’s Labour and it’s the same old targets they’re going after, which will harm lives drastically but not make much difference at all to the economy. For as long as we keep electing parties owned by and only ever interested in protecting the rich and their assets, this country is never going to recover.
Meanwhile, also on a massive boot-licking mission is David Lammy, a man who will never not sell out to forward his own interests. He’s done this not once, not twice but four times over in just the last week, shaming the nation and demonstrating just how craven Starmer’s Labour really are. Get all the details of how he’s embarrassed us all this week in this video recommendation here as your suggested next watch. Please do also hit like, share and subscribe if you haven’t already done so to ensure you don’t miss new daily content and help support the channel which is massively appreciated and I’ll hopefully catch you on the next vid. Cheers folks.

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