Who Couldn’t Know This Was Coming?

2 months ago

This terrible, tragic story about what is happening in Southern California isn’t about wildfires or climate change, no matter how badly the elected class in California tries to spin it as such. Wildfires have been a part of everyday life since Los Angeles was created. And climate change didn’t cause the explosion in the size of this wildfire. But blame for the utter devastation has a home.

Woke-brained ideologues and eco-zealous activists who have captured California government—at every level—have instituted reckless and dangerous utopian ideas and unrealistic and imbecilic initiatives, which have made this tragedy 100 times more dangerous and deadly than it had to be.

Wildfires in California are nothing new. No one should have been surprised about a wildfire in Southern California. No one should have been caught unprepared for the annual arrival of the Santa Anna winds. What is happening in California right now was bound to happen sooner or later. However, the inability of California’s state and local governments to mitigate the emergency has caused this natural disaster to become an unnatural disaster propagated by inferior intellect at the hands of social engineers of a dysfunctional ideology...


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