PRELUDIUM – (For Brass Choir and limited percussion)

2 months ago

PRELUDIUM – (For Brass Choir and limited percussion)

PRELUDIUM by Gary Gazlay – (ushm22089740)

The composition PRELUDIUM was written specifically for the 2011 DWS Brass Fanfare Competition. PRELUDIUM is the variant spelling of the Medieval Latin word praeludium which simply means to “play as a prelude” and was inspired by Jude 1:25 - “To the only wise God our Saviour, [be] glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.”

PRALUDIUM is dedicated to my sisters Sandi Dorsey of Ft. Collins, Colorado and Nancy Arias of Scottsdale, Arizona. For over 50 years we have shared the rich blessings of music, family and faith with one another. The unbreakable bond that we share together continues to inspire me and I am truly thankful and abundantly blessed to have them as my sisters.


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