NEWS: With the Eyes of Faith!™ 2025-01-11 #23

2 months ago

NEWS: With the Eyes of Faith!™ 2025-01-11 #23
No opening song, so merchandising, no bobbleheads, just me you and the truth
Donald Trump sentenced with no penalty in New York criminal trial, as judge wishes him 'Godspeed' in 2nd term
Politicized court system, this is an electoral question, not judicial
Biden still president; Trump certified
Does it feel like whomever is controlling Biden's meds is sabotaging Trump's presidency?
Pardons, EX order changes, etc?
Biden sabotages Trump as he bans all future oil and gas drilling just days before he's sworn in
Every Conspiracy Theory is True
Biden casts doubt on his fitness to serve another four years days before term ends
In an interview with USA Today, Biden, talks about how he didn't intend to run for president in 2020.
“I don't know,” Biden responded when USA Today Washington Bureau Chief Susan Page asked if he would've had the vigor to serve another four years in office. Biden and Page sat down at the White House on Sunday for the president's rare interview with a print publication.
Biden, 82, talks about how he didn't intend to run for president in 2020, but says that when Trump sought reelection last year, “I really thought I had the best chance of beating him. But I also wasn’t looking to be president when I was 85 years old, 86 years old."
“But I don't know. Who the hell knows?" he added. “So far, so good. But who knows what I’m going to be when I’m 86 years old?”
The 10 Worst Things Biden Did in 2024 By Marc A. Thiessen Washongton Post
#6 Was cognitive decline. For me, that's #1. If he's not in control, who is?
The road ahead
Rush Limbaugh: No victory is a complete victory; no loss is a complete loss. What is our game plan for post-Trump America?
Long term. nurturing leadership.
Next California governor?
No fire stories. developing story, chaos of catastrophe, donate to Church humanitarian fund, red cross, salvation army, goodwill
Trudeau resigns
Road Ahead pt 2
9 members of church in US congress. Utah and Idaho
California--step up to the plate
All Republican
I sustain 1st PResiency letter
"Merely voting a straight ticket or voting based on 'tradition' without careful study of candidates and their positions on important issues is a threat to democracy and inconsistent with revealed standards (see Doctrine and Covenants 98:10)" June 1, 2023
One party rule leads to groupthink: California to Utah
How to build a bridge to political party supports abortion, euthanasia, and puberty blockers?
Post in comments
National Day of mourning Carter
Grateful for work as Gov and habitat for humanity (Tim Allen)
Damaged the country,people hurt, lost jobs and lost lives
Lesson on Leadeship Vaccume
Magnificent 7. Indian buries, and Yule Brynner step up, and Steve McQueen joins in
Freedom from Religion Foundation dissolves honorary board in spat over trans issues
Richard Dawkins and Jerry Coyne and psychologist and linguist Steven Pinker.
Coyne said he found the foundation’s behavior bizarre. “I find it strange that an organization that is pro-science all of a sudden is acting in a quasi-religious manner, suppressing dissent, calling out blasphemy and heresy by censoring those people who go against their preferred definition of woman,” Coyne said.
Double standards: denial about scientific orthodoxy and inquisitors.
SL Tribune Panic Attack
Two headlines
Gordon Monson: LDS Church education boss should put down the hammer at BYU and pick up an olive branch
By Gordon Monson | January 7, 2025, 7:09 a.m.
Dark days: New rules have BYU professors running scared
Holding professors accountable
BYU 1934 yeas ago, BYU professors not paying tithing
BYU School of Destiny, 298-299
25% non
39% part
36 % full
Altman's Tongue 1996, Brian Evenson
BYU Bad for your testimony, Deseret book enables apostasy.
Dead ventriloquist
Letter: Regarding BYU’s restrictions for its faculty, it seems Joseph Smith might have agreed that “the spirituality of education is not about dictating ends”
By Gail L. Porritt | The Public Forum | Jan. 9, 2025, 6:00 a.m.
After reading Peggy Fletcher Stack’s and Gordon Monson’s recent Tribune articles on BYU’s tightening restrictions for their faculty, I am reminded of a passage from Parker J. Palmer’s “To Know As We Are Known.” Palmer sounds to me like something Joseph Smith might have agreed with:
“A spirituality of ends wants to dictate the desirable outcomes of education in the life of the student. It uses the spiritual tradition as a template against which the ideas, beliefs, and behaviors of the student are to be measured. The goal is to shape the student to the template by the time his or her formal education concludes.
Why people are late
hospital and form sign show up on time
Clusters of Characteristics
If your like me, have you notices something: people who vote democratic tend to have a lot of ink--tattoos--piercings, are vegetarians, are pro-abortion, pro-feminist, pro-enviroment, pro-global, are anti-gun, anti-war, support or are themselves LGBTQ, and are atheists.
Why is there this cluster of characteristics?
Is there any connection to the relation?
Andy Rooney (Mostly Andy Rooney, 125, 335): If for Equal Rights Amendment, abortion, and gun control, for one, for all. They are the same thing.
Why this connection
RAbbi Daniel Lapin, The Severed Flower: Conservatism Without God
Why cluster, what is the common connection
All are anti scripture
Principle, good ideas, but how applied are anti-biblical
DNC 2012 Voting on God and Jerusalem
Methodist, Add God and Jersulaem to platform. Put to vote, and delegates clearly voted no, but passed
So, two things
majority wanted no God and no Jerusalem
Leaders overruled party
Why atheism?
Bork talked about: egalitarianism and individualism, or what I call, fairness and feeling--autonomy
God does two things
disrupts egalitarian, distributive justice, fairness, it's unfair a person is better than we are.
lay and clergy
Chosen people
Commandments, encroach upon personal autonomy. My model, comes under feelings, want to do something is a feeling, nothing gets in way of wants
News Eye of Faith

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