21 days ago

UFOs can have many strange effects. They can provoke weird alterations in plants. They can cause bizarre electromagnetic disturbances in machines and electronic equipment of all kinds. They create a wide variety of landing traces, burn marks, impressions on the ground and more. They can make animals behave in odd and unusual ways. They affect people physiologically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. The list is extensive. When UFOs show up, almost anything can happen.
When a UFO affects the environment in some way, it’s usually categorized as a Close Encounter of the Second Kind. But the truth is that weird effects can occur with virtually any type of UFO encounter. This video presents twelve cases spanning forty years and occurring to all kinds of people from all over the world.

Apr 24, 1954: Buyere, France. Two lumberjacks, Roger Mougeolle and Gilbert Doridant see three enormous metallic UFOs. One of them lands in a field nearby. Gilbert runs away in fear, but Roger is intrigued and approaches the craft. He walks up to it and first taps it gently with his axe. Then, wondering what would happen, he raises his axe and strikes it hard. He is immediately thrown back several meters and falls to the ground temporarily paralyzed.

Aug 16, 1965: Montes Claros, Brazil. When 32-year-old banker, Filomeno Bido de Oliveira goes fishing one evening, a UFO drops down and hovers 150 feet above his head. It stays for only a few moments, but after it leaves, Filomeno discovers that his body has reacted strangely. Although he felt no fear during the encounter, his heart is racing, and he urinated in his pants. And in the day that followed, his entire body becomes enveloped in a strange numbness.

Feb 14, 1967: Miller County, MO. Early in the morning, an anonymous farmer notices a domed-shaped object hovering a few feet over his field. It’s featureless except for brilliant, colored lights. As he approaches, he sees strange-looking figures beneath it. He picks up two rocks and tosses them at the craft. Inexplicably, the rocks hit an invisible barrier and fall to the ground. As the witness approaches to within 15 feet, he hits the invisible barrier himself, and can’t get any closer.

Nov 25, 1968: Necochea, Argentina. Local farmers become concerned when (following their observation of bright lights in their fields) they find weird burned circles on the ground. Nothing will now grow there. But even stranger is the appearance of many giant-sized mushrooms outside the circles. They grow so quickly that in the space of hours, some are the size of footballs and reach more than two feet across and one foot high.

Jan 29, 1969: Matadepera, Spain. An anonymous 80-year-old woman is picking wild herbs near her home when a weirdly-shaped, but beautiful-looking metallic craft emerges from the forest, swoops below the electric-lines and zooms off into the distance. Returning to the site with investigators, they discover four small tunnels dug horizontally into the ground in a very strange pattern, and in a way no animal or known machine could do.

Jul 20, 1971: Vitry-en-Artois, France. It was early morning Monsieur F. Laisne was outside his home and heard a loud whistling noise. Looking up, he sees a large spherical glowing object move from his neighbor’s house, over his own house and to a tall poplar tree. The object emits brilliant lights, causing a large branch to snap off from the tree. As it moves away, his dog barks crazy, the cows scatter, the railway next to his house sparks, and his alarm clocks in the house all stop.

Aug 1971: Sarcee, Canada. An anonymous doctor is horseback riding when his horse becomes nervous and agitated. A saucer-shaped object swoops down, causing the horse to panic. The doctor cannot control the horse until the object leaves, and even after the horse remains shy and nervous. Moving away from the scene, the doctor discovers the carcass of another horse that appears to have been burned, and in the days that follow, his own horse develops a strange illness.

Jul 31, 1975: Loxton, South Africa. Danie Van Graan is checking on his sheep when he comes upon a landed UFO and occupants. Approaching to investigate, he is struck by a beam of light which causes a choking sensation, a nosebleed and vomiting. Leaving the scene, he realizes his eyesight has also been affected. Equally strange, at the site where the object had landed, there are now very weird landing impressions and a strange green material that wasn’t there before.

Oct 5, 1978: Wellingborough, England. When numerous witnesses across the town start reporting a low-flying unidentified object, it’s clear that something strange is going on. But when 15-year-old Caroline Muncey and her friend Mandy Dooley are walking home, the UFO swoops down and chases them down the street. Afterwards, Caroline discovers a strange rash on her hands and arms.

Aug 1979: Oktyabrskiy, Russia. A team of eight oil-field workers become terrified when a UFO lands on their work-site. Going to investigate the next morning, they find three deep impressions in a triangular formation on the ground. In the center is a hole reaching 100 feet in depth. An investigation reveals that tons of clay are missing and the hole is wider on the bottom than the top.

Late 1980: Frankfurt, Germany. When a crew of a Lufthansa Boeing Cargo 707 jet leaves New York for Frankfurt, they are tailed by a glowing saucer-shaped craft which illuminates the interior of their cockpit. It’s captured on radar and viewed from the ground. But it’s the aftermath that causes concern when the Captain (Dieter Spangler) begins having nightmares involving weird alien creatures.

Feb 1981: Mojave Desert, CA. A prospector returns from a trip into the desert with an incredible story of a UFO landing. After the object took off, he notices weird silvery spheres which glowed for two days afterwards. He picks up one of the stones, which shows many unusual properties. When it’s analyzed by scientists, it first defies identification. Only later do they discover its strange composition.

These cases reveal some important insights into the nature of the UFO phenomenon. They show that UFOs are visiting many widely-divergent locations on our planet for a long period of time. They show that UFOs can affect the soil, the vegetation, the animal life, machines and most importantly, humans…all in a wide variety of unexpected ways. They show that the UFO occupants display a strong interest in all things Earth and all things human. And they also provide compelling evidence for the reality of UFOs.

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