The Person of Sin: Understanding Sin’s Power, Penalty, and Ultimate Defeat in Christ

9 days ago

The Person of Sin: Understanding Sin’s Power, Penalty, and Ultimate Defeat in Christ

Sin is an issue all humanity must address. Thankfully, Jesus Christ died to pay for the sins of the world because the penalty associated with sin is death. Christ's payment for sin demonstrates God's great love for the world. We mainly think of sin as an action or a verb. Sin is also a noun, and like other things in the Bible, it is personified to demonstrate its power and destructiveness. Let's take a look at the person of sin.

The Unlock the Bible Now ministry provides weekly Sunday Bible Studies to help you understand God's word and unlock the secrets found in the Bible.

Sin: ἁμαρτία (ham-ar-tee’-ah) - that which is done wrong, sin, an offence, a violation of the divine law in thought or in act
collectively, the complex or aggregate of sins committed either by a single person or by many

All Scripture references are from the King James Version of the Bible.

Genesis 4:5-7, 2 Thessalonians 2:3, Romans 5:20-21, Romans 6:6-7, John 8:33-36, Romans 6:11, Romans 5:12-15, 1 Corinthians 15:54-57, Hebrews 2:14-15, Ezekiel 28:15-16, 1 Timothy 6:10, Romans 6:12-14, Romans 6:15-16, Romans 6:20-23, Romans 7:7-11, Revelation 20:13-14

We who are saved by grace through faith in the finished work of Calvary are delivered from the power and penalty of sin. Though sin is going to cause our death unless the rapture occurs before we die, our eternal life has been secured by the blood of Christ. We are not yet free from the presence of sin, but soon we will be. Does it help us to think of sin as a person, as the devil himself, in order to help us not submit ourselves to him? Let us submit ourselves to the captain of our salvation, Jesus Christ!

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