Mel Gibson | Ivermectin Cures Cancer

2 months ago

Ivermectin is a Nobel prize winning drug that is proven safe and effective.
During the Covid 'pandemic' it was discovered that Ivermectin was effective against Covid as part of an early treatment protocol.

The health authorities and mainstream media trashed Ivermectin as 'horse and cattle de-wormer' - even though it has been used for years to help millions of humans.
Ivermectin had to be trashed and branded ineffective so that the Covid 'vaccines' could be rolled out.
Obviously if there was a safe and effective treatment then there was no need for a vaccine.
Now it seems that Ivermectin can also treat - even perhaps cure - cancers.

Where is the mainstream media on this huge medical breakthrough?
Where is the NHS and Cancer Research charity?
Where is our supposedly benevelone Govt?

We are told over and over how much cancer treatment costs the NHS - yet when an inexpensive drug comes along that could eliminate conventional cancer treatment - it is completely ignored.

Because there is BIG money in conventional cancer treatment.

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