Final Fantasy VIII Remastered EXTRAS Starter Deck

1 month ago

Welcome to this Final Fantasy VIII Remastered EXTRAS video, Starter Deck. In this video, I offer information about the Triple Triad cards that I'll be adding to my collection now, later, or ongoing, as well as identifying cards of interest.

Cards for Squall: 1 Mesmerize, 2 Geezard

Cards for Quistis: 2 Ochu. If Dragon Skins weren't obtained: 2 Buel/Jelleye or 1 of each, 1 Grand Mantis/Death Claw.

Cards for Zell: 4 Blue Dragon. If Dragon Skins weren't obtained: 1 Caterchipillar 1 Grendel

Cards for Selphie: 2 Wendigo, 2 Grand Mantis/Death Claw or 1 of each

Cards for later: 1 Elastoid, 1 Bomb, 1 Geezard, 1 Cockatrice, 1 Mesmerize, 1 Grand Mantis/Death Claw

Optional cards for dry duels: Tri-Face, Gesper, Wendigo, Gayla, Buel/Jelleye, Mesmerize, Geezard, Blitz, Adamantoise, Iron Giant, Behemoth, Malboro, Ruby Dragon, Elnoyle, Tonberry/Tonberry King

The Receptionist carries level 1 & 3 cards which include: Geezard, Caterchipillar, Cockatrice, Ochu, Death Claw

The Trepe Groupie #1 carries level 2 and 5 cards which include: Buel/Jelleye, Mesmerize, Grendel, Grand Mantis, Elastoid

Zell's mom carries level 4 cards which include: Bomb, Wendigo, Blue Dragon

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