Intelligent Moss-Mimicking Stick Insect In Ecuador

6 years ago

This moss mimic walking stick was filmed at Finca Palamonte near Baños in Ecuador. During the daytime it hangs on moss covered twigs, where it is nearly imperceptible and only becomes active at night to feed on orchid leaves. It not only looks like moss but when disturbed even moves like it was waving in the wind!

This elegant creature with its peculiar and mesmerizing appearance and unique body movement was spotted at Finca Palmonte near Baños in Ecuador.

The strange creature in question is a moss mimic stick insect (Trychopeplus laciniatus) which belongs to the order of Phasmatodea – most commonly known as walking sticks or simply stick insects. Together with another closely related family called the Phylliidae which include insects that mimic leaves, they are among the world’s best masters of disguise.

As their names suggest, some of them are characterized by a leaf-like body and are typically flat and wide while other, larger ones, possess a stick-like figure and are more slender in shape. They are typically quite large and can reach anywhere from a few to an incredible twelve inches in length.

Besides their size, the color of their bodies is extremely important as it allows them to easily blend into their surroundings and protect themselves against any potential danger. These incredible insects often possess green, yellow or brown coloring but some may display multiple colors as well. Some also have the ability to change color depending on their environment, weather conditions or simply the time of the day, absorbing more light during the day which causes a lighter appearance and darkening during the night.

Certain species can be covered in thorns, leaves or leaf-like patterns or even moss such as the one shown in this video. While they are quite noticeable outside of their surroundings, when against a wooden or mossy background, their moss-like texture makes them completely invisible.

Additionally, while some types do have wings, the insects in these families are most commonly wingless. Instead, they possess elongated antennae which help them navigate their path.

A very important characteristic which further differentiates them from other insects is their unique walk. The slow, rhythmic movement which seems like back and forth rocking creates the illusion of being caught in a strong wind. This strange walk is vital as it mimics the natural movement of plants and further helps them blend into the vegetation around them.

While they may seem intimidating or even poisonous to those unaware of their innocuous nature, these insects are herbivores, meaning that they exclusively eat plants. They are also nocturnal and are most active during the night when they feed on plants. They have no interest in other insects unless otherwise feeling threatened. In these situations, they may utilize the spikes which can be seen on certain species or they may emanate foul-smelling chemicals from their glands to defend themselves against predators. And, even if they sustain an attack, stick insects possess the remarkable power to regenerate and grow back lost limbs.

Though undoubtedly freaky looking, stick insects should not cause any panic in those who encounter them. Nonetheless, despite their calm and harmless nature, they should still be approached with caution in order not to startle or make them feel threatened. But, in the end, their beautiful appearance, clever camouflage and unique movements are sure to make anyone stop and admire them.

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