Apatros Review Ep-0123: Honey Peach [NES, 1990]

1 month ago

AR-0123: In the early 1990s, the gaming market in the Far East were rife with bootlegs, some with a decidedly adult nature to them. When you mention adult titles for the NES / Famicom, the games made by Hacker International tend to be the most well-remembered.

This particular game was made by a bootlegger company named Sachen [details about this outfit are rather scarce] and is possibly the first game to make a pornographic version of scissors-paper-rock. The gameplay is extremely simple - simply win a round of this time-honoured schoolyard game and your lady opponent will get a piece of her kit off. That's just about it.

The game might be simple, but mastering it is really friggin' hard. Also the drawings are not as explicit as you'd want them to be and there's really no replay value to this at all. There are indie games available that do this concept far, far better...

My Grade: D [Bad]

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