Praise & Worship based on Psalms 99:2-5 - ENG Chinese Pinyin

28 days ago

NOTES - Praise & Worship based on Psalms 99:2-5 Shīpiān 99:2-5 诗篇 99:2-5 - ENG Chinese Pinyin
How Great are you O LORD!
Yēhéhuá nǐ shì zhì dà de!
Yēhéhuá 耶和华 LORD (Jehovah)
nǐ 你 you
shì 是 to be (is/are), [used as a verb to be when the predicative is a noun, used for emphasis when the predicative is other than a noun]
zhì 至 (adverb), extremely, most
dà 大 big, large, great, loud
de 的 [used after a pronoun, used after an adjective]

You are exalted above all nations.
Nǐ shì chónggāo, chāoguò wànmín.
nǐ 你 you
shì 是 (verb) to be
chóng 崇 (adj) high, lofty, (verb) esteem, worship
gāo 高 tall, high, advanced, superior
chónggāo 崇高 (adj) lofty, high
chāo 超 (verb) exceed, surpass, [used as a prefix] ultra-, super-, extra-]
guò 过 (verb) cross, pass, exceed, go beyond, [used after a verb as a complement]
chāoguò 超过 (verb) surpass, exceed
wàn 万 ten thousand, a very great number, myriad
mín 民 (noun) the people
wànmín 万民 “ten thousand people”, all the people, a great number of people

I praise your great and awesome name
Wǒ chēngzàn nǐ wěidà kě wèi de míng
wǒ 我 I
chēng 称 (verb) call
zàn 赞 (verb) praise, commend
chēngzàn 称赞 (verb) praise, acclaim, commend
nǐ 你 you
wěi 伟 (adj) big, great
dà 大 big, large, great, loud
wěidà 伟大 (adj) great, mighty
kě 可 can, may, [used to emphasize the tone of the speaker]
wèi 畏 (verb) fear, respect
de 的 [used after a pronoun, used after an adjective]
míng 名 (noun) name
kě wèi de míng 可畏的名 awesome name

You are holy
Nǐ shì shèngjié de
nǐ 你 you
shì 是 (verb) to be
shèng 圣 (adj) holy, sacred
jié 洁 (adj) clean
shèngjié 圣洁 (adj) holy and pure
de 的 [used after an adjective]

You love justice
Nǐ xǐ'ài gōngzhèng
nǐ 你 you
xǐ 喜 (verb) like, be fond of
ài 爱 love
xǐ'ài 喜爱 (verb) like, be fond of
gōng 公 (adj) just, fair
zhèng 正 (adj) honest, upright, (adv) just, right
gōngzhèng 公正 (adj) just, fair

You are righteous
Nǐ shì zhèngyì de
nǐ 你 you
shì 是 (verb) to be
zhèng 正 (adj) honest, upright, (adv) just, right
yì 义 (noun) justice, righteousness
zhèngyì 正义 (adj) just, righteous
de 的 [used after an adjective]

I exalt You Lord, You are my God
Wǒ yào zūnchóng nǐ yēhéhuá, nǐ shì wǒ de Shén
wǒ 我 I
yào 要 (verb) want, desire, must, need, be going to
zūn 尊 (verb) respect, esteem
chóng 崇 (adj) high, lofty, (verb) esteem, worship
nǐ 你 you
Yēhéhuá 耶和华 LORD (Jehovah)
shì 是 (verb) to be
de 的 [used after a pronoun]
wǒ de 我的 my, mine
Shén 神 God

I worship at your footstool; You are holy
Wǒ zài nǐ de jiǎo dèng qián jìng bài; nǐ shì shèngjié de
wǒ 我 I
zài 在 [indicating position of a person or thing]
nǐ 你 you
de 的 [used after a pronoun, used after an adjective]
nǐ de 你的 your, yours
jiǎo 脚 (noun) foot, base
dèng 凳 (noun) stool, bench
jiǎo dèng 脚凳 footstool
qián 前 front
jìng 敬 (verb) respect
bài 拜 (verb) make a courtesy call, respectfully offer oneself as somebody’s disciple, ceremoniously acknowledge somebody as one’s master
jìng bài 敬拜 worship
shì 是 (verb) to be
shèng 圣 (adj) holy, sacred
jié 洁 (adj) clean
shèngjié 圣洁 (adj) holy and pure

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