Question Song from Dragon Quest

1 month ago

I sing this unaccompanied.
I have no musical talent. I cannot clap in time. I made the music to the author's lyric. I do not know where it comes from. Because it is a question song I end each phrase up. It is supposed to be uncomfortable and discordant. I aimed at a minor key, but I don't read music and have no idea if it is just one key at all, let alone minor.
I hope you enjoy.

The Question Song: This song is significant in the lore of Pern as it was composed during the Eighth Interval, a period when there was no Thread for 400 years, leading to the disappearance of five Weyrs (dragonrider establishments). The song questions the whereabouts of the dragons and their riders, reflecting the mystery and speculation of their absence.
This song is pivotal in the narrative as it hints at the dragons time-traveling to help during the Ninth Pass, which is the current timeline in the series where Threadfall resumes.

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