America Exposed (Part 2): America In A Position Where It Cannot Repent!

5 days ago

Taking Off The Blinders;

Who turned slavery into an industry in America?Who has done the oppressing in America?Who has been the oppressed in America?Who massacred the natives in America?Who stole the land by murder and deception?Who had their land stolen from them in America?Who keeps making laws to target specific groups of minorities?

And yet, we are fed the lies that America is a “Christian nation”, “one nation under God”, and “the land of the free”. When we hear people say “make America great again”, we can’t help but ask when was it great? It has never been “great” for people of color (black, Latino, Arab, etc).

Was it great for natives during the Trail of Tears?Was it great for black people in America during slavery?Was it great for natives being put in reservations?Was it great for Mexicans being murdered and having their land stolen?Was it great for black people in America during Segregation?Was it great for black people during Jim Crow?Has it been great for minorities being targeted by law enforcement?

America has ONLY been great for people of a certain skin color. And those that say all opportunities are fair, let’s not forget that white people in America have had a 400 year head start and the same animals that voted for Segregation and Jim Crow just 54 years ago, have raised children that are now police officers, judges, business owners, etc. So to claim everything is suddenly equal and fair is false… and when people say they want to make America great again, it seems to only apply to a time when one of the above things was going on

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