Who's Looking After Who?

1 month ago

This is Us, using Their Own Paperwork, Official Australian Government Paperwork and Legislation to show the People the Truth.
Our Video also Coincides with the Opening of Our Store. As We have worked for what We had, now losing it All due to the Economical Terrorism by the Corporate Australian Government by making Us All pay Their Extortion Fees to keep what We have.

We have had to become a Holder of an A.B.N. = Australian Business Number = License Number to Trade and work within the Treasonous Satanic Political Parties definition of their paper “Australia” Pay to Play Corporate System, to be able to try and earn an Income to Support Ourselves.

The Monetary System that has been Forced upon the People, 14th February 1966 is Outside of "The Constitution Act", with No Referendum to Change the Monetary System, the "Debt", the "Australian Dollar", belongs to those that Forced a Foreign Monetary System upon the People. Political Parties! Just to Feather Their Own Nests and to Take You away from the One Thing in Law that Protects All of Our Rights, the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 as Proclaimed and Gazetted under the Royal Coat of Arms.

And that Guilt lies Solely upon All "Political Parties", You only need to look at Their Wealth to confirm this.
They All Know.
Mens Rea!

All Rights Reserved.

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