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The Sovereignty Movement
Cause Before Symptom - With Your Host James Carner
The Sovereignty Movement
I had the pleasure ‘twice’ of interviewing Russell-Jay: Gould. You can view those interviews here:
I still do not understand to this day how I got the chance to interview him twice, but I am still grateful for the opportunity. Russell’s journey is a mind blowing story and the work he and his ex-partner David-Wynn: Miller (deceased) did is something no Americans have ever done for their country. In the early 90’s Russell and David saw a loophole in the third bankruptcy of America where the Crown’s 70 year charter was coming up for closer. They noticed no one was filling out the information to create a fourth charter to give the Crown the rights over our money supply through the Federal Reserve. Knowing this date was coming up, they went directly to the Pentagon and requested the Title IV flag. The Pentagon, impressed with their research, handed it to them. They then continued toward the Postmaster posts to claim the Postmaster position for America and Canada. In example, they took over the post office for Philadelphia and as they were headed to Washington DC, was interrupted by The Jesuits who flew both men on a private plane to the Vatican for negotiations. This was because after their trip to the United Nations by showing the postmaster and Title IV flag, the United Nations granted them the rights to all land underneath all court systems worldwide.
Russell Jay Gould, in his documentary called Last Flag Standing, figured out that the post office was the central control for the authorizing structures of government. For example, when we file for an LLC, we would file with the Secretary of State or whichever state we are in. However what they are not telling you is the state would take the fees you pay them and send a payment to the post office as a usery fee for that entity to exist. However, Russell caught the post office in a bankruptcy condition where the post office lost its capacity because it ceased to exist.
Those who are in bankruptcy do not have any contract rights. The legal construct of contract comes down to who holds the title 4 flag, or who is the postmaster general to authorize commerce or federal contractors to bore the terms of that flag. The flag was wrapped up in a bankruptcy in 1999 and Russel Gould and David Wynn filed a copyright on that title 4 flag in terms of a quantum syntax grammar so that if a federal contractor does come in, they would have to comply with the terms of that syntax to perform the terms of the contract.
It’s all about performing to the quantum syntax grammar they added to the copyright. The deep state cannot move forward with any commerce unless they switch to the quantum structure Gould and Wynns put into place. Or at least they that’s what they thought. Russell was fascinated with sentence diagramming and could put together structures of what looks like complicated long passwords which in turn had a lot of meaning. Now, we call them tokens which can translate a lot of information down to a tiny fraction of a line of code. David Wynn’s contribution was in 1988 when he broke the mathematical interface in grammar and proved that all grammar and all languages are a mathematical equation of algebra. He was able to re-write the way grammar was used. Combined they realized it was the same mechanics that applied on a global level and their efforts went into an in-depth study of the banking, postal, military and court mechanics. They figured out a way to change the system permanently for the benefit of the planet.
Benjamin Franklin was a French attorney working for the English crown as a secret agent to capture the United States of America. In 1789 the constitution was drafted which was a bankruptcy trust putting America through a 70 year international bankruptcy for 3 million dollars. The Bank of England picked up the note through the Rothchilds family. This turned the United States into an international bankruptcy corporation. The constitution was written as an adverb pronoun in a style of grammar called a parse. This is what parts of words are. The English language made parse words and it bastardized them in code so that words have different meanings. Benjamin Franklin made the people a dead entity and a verb of illusion or fiction. Another way to put it would be lost at sea and toy became their property at birth.
Understanding the real speak of the constitution, they got ready for when the bankruptcy ended and would copyright that flag as the treasurer, post master and bank banker. This means those who choose to come into contract with the title 4 flag, must come through the correct grammar construct code or quantum syntax to make it valid so they can take the terms of their corporation and put it into free venture capitalists. They applied to the United Nations to be an independent country because the condition of quantum language in a world of 8 million fiction people with different communications skills was so unique that the 200 members of the United Nations voted to have them have their own country. They had a bank charter, they had a constitution all written in quantum language, they had bank with gold in it and all of their treaties in place with the United States of America with the department of Justice. On the 25th of July 1999, they sued the United States for the flag of the United States under title 4 section 1, 2 and 3. They challenged the United States congress, senate, legislature and Supreme Court to bring forth their correct parse syntax grammar sentence structure copyrights of the Flag of America. They couldn’t do it or produce an oath of office with the correct syntax grammar.
On the 12th of August 1999, the United Nations voted that both Russell and David were independent sovereign individuals with a flag, bank, constitution, trust and had real treaties with other countries. They had to wait for the United States to come out of bankruptcy to file at the Washington DC post office, however, because of David’s commitments to other people’s interests, he refused to have his name on the contract to claim the flag. Therefore he vacated his position as a ship owner and bearer of the flag. The bankruptcy needed someone to come in and re-up the terms for the constitution otherwise if vacated, the current government could throw away the constitution and continue moving forward. Russell did it alone and became the postmaster in DC. In the upcoming year of 2000, Russell knew they would have to vacate the president of the United States because Russell held the flag.
But the government ignored Russell and his flag. Bush Jr. was elected president. If you remember, the Bush versus Gore election took longer than usual and there was a recount. Could this stall be the government waiting for Russell and his approval or was it the deep state winking to Russell or like they said it was and it was just Gore crying? According to Russell, this presidency was null and void. He held this secret. He knew they did not have a flag, military, ports and any department within their construct of government because the founding fathers were not there to sign the continuance. Russell and David’s work is proof that the United States government, as it sits right now, has no authority whatsoever since 1999 after the final bankruptcy. Eventually, to trick the people, the federal reserve issued a new postmaster under their control and continues to hold us into slavery.
When Russell and David researched the Birth Certificate System they found the system to be one of the most nefarious pieces to the Empire of the Three City States to capture us as chattle, property and slaves to the three cities. Washington DC, The Vatican in Rome and The city of London. These are the Illuminati’s empire city states. According to the charters, when you are born on this planet, a registered nurse will have the parent sign a Birth Certificate and they will inform you that you cannot leave the hospital with the baby until you sign it. Well, this is a lie. It’s kidnapping.
The baby’s full name is in all Capital letters on the Birth Certificate and the mother is told to sign it in cursive which is considered necromancy or communication with the dead. The only place you see a person’s name in all capital letters is on a Tombstone where they are dead and buried – that is the sign for a dead entity. So, now when you are born into this world you are considered a Dead Entity or lost at sea because of the Shipping War that we are in. So when that document is signed in cursive you are committing necromancy. This is the massive corporate construct by the Three City Empire to keep you enslaved. You are no longer considered alive, rather you are referred to as Dead Cargo.
At sea, there are corporation, private and recreation sailing. In between the mix of legal travel, there are pirates who report to no country or corporation. They steal, kill and destroy with impunity and no one can stop them. When you look at this in relation to the Esoteric Symbolism behind the Vatican, London City, the P2 Mason Lodges, the Knights of Malta, the Knights of Columbus and the Jesuits, all of these group of people are the Secret Lodges on this planet that John F. Kennedy was referring to as pugnant. They utilize this shipping warfare system to conduct commerce around the world and like pirates, capture and seize cargo, people and land. When a private captures a flag, the sew a golden tassel all the way around it signaling they are now the controller of the ship and the cargo and crew.
The Vatican, by a cursive necromancy signature captured your ship and refers to it as dead cargo, owning your body and soul. The Vatican is the Great Whore of Babylon that the Bible talks about. This whole system is based on the Maritime and Admiralty of the Sea. All of the corporations on Earth, including the corporations with the Empire of the Three City States especially, contribute to the strengths and existence of this system.
The Vatican was using International Admiralty and Maritime Law of the Sea to presume everyone missing, dead or lost at sea. Remember in the Bible when Satan accuses man at the front of Throne of God of already being dead? When you further look at the esoterism behind that Satan is attempting to mirror what God did. God then destroyed the world by flood. Lucifer is trying to do the same thing – he is killing all of the people on the planet by saying the people are missing, dead or lost at sea by falsely using the birth certificate system. So this esoterism is clearly being demonstrated by the Vatican with what is going on. So when Russell set the system back up and went to each location, he started at the Universal Postal System in Bern, Switzerland and he informed the leaders the charter has been disqualified and Russell is reopening it up properly and placing himself as the Universal Postal Master General in Bern, Switzerland.”
Each time Russell did this at every post office, he reconstituted the Vatican. Now you have a mirrored version of what once was, but now it is corrected. The deep state didn’t go anywhere, they just had to adjust or adopt to the new system that he created. There is NO longer any ability to create contract fraud in that system, you can’t lie, cheat or steal or create a loop hole in that contract because it is a mathematical certified contract. It is perfect grammar – what is says is what it means and what it means is what it says! It is certified forward and backward so they can’t take it to Court and say “what it meant was” or “what it is supposed to mean” or “what it will mean” it is in NOW time – Now being now and 20 years from now. There is no past and future sense in the grammar… it is NOW Time. So it applies now and will apply the same in 100 years down the road. So in a 100 years it will still say “Today” so if you violate the contract it will be obvious and will be a simple Court case. This eliminates the opportunity for fraud and racketeering. Russell, with this concept has taken control of the entire planet. He mirrored or re-substantiated the contract that was there and made it correct. He did this by using grammar correctly and using the true meaning of the word correctly.
In 2017 Russell Gould visited the IRS building in Washington D.C. They were supposed to leave the United States at the end of the Third and Final International Bankruptcy in 1999. The IRS since 1999 still operated as a collection agency for the federal reserve so Russell tried put a stop to it. Russell walked in to the Federal Reserve board of governors and asked why this building was docked on his land? The board was stunned. He then proceeded levy a fine against them for having a vessel docked on his property. He fined them 17 MILLION TONS of GOLD and announced that he wants to use to it to assist President. Donald John Trump and Secretary of Defense James Mattis and the rest of the Military and the People of this Country to resubstantiate the Government here and create a new monetary system under his bank and place the values backed by Gold. Russell was quoted in a message to Trump, “I authorize what it is you’re doing and I am behind you with the clean out.” It is unclear if Russell was able to speak with Trump or have a meeting with Trump. There is no evidence that I can find linking Trump and Gould.
The IRS building remained there in DC but it is empty and/or closed because the federal reserve quietly opened it back up in Puerto Rico. No one is allowed to do any business in the IRS DC vessel thanks to Russell. However, the tri-city whore of Babylon continued their operations regardless of everything Russell tried to do. He was a thorn in their side and they had no authorization or jurisdiction to kill him. They used the CIA to capture, torture and try and coerce him to release the flag. He refused. Russell’s biggest problem was he didn’t have enough resources, money and time to fight against the beast system. He overlooked one factor that could have made us all free by now. He did not alert the Military Chain of Command of what he was doing. During the Obama administration, the military was going to form a coup against Obama but instead elected Donald Trump to help clean the Deep State out of Washington D.C. The real key to our freedom is Russell’s intelligence. Read between the lines here. He boldly told the Federal Reserve board of governors that he is giving the flag to Trump. What gave him the confidence to say that to a den of thieves? Perhaps that was another bad move on his part, because Trump was president at that time and now they know of the white hats intentions.
However, after researching for dozens of hours, watching many interviews with Russell and David, and reading as much material that I could get my hands on, I found that the Rothschilds definitely infiltrated Russell’s partner somehow. David Wynn tried everything he could to capture the flag from Russell. David didn’t have the courage to go to DC, but did have the courage to open up Philadelphia with Russell. This is where we lose the trail. According to Russell, David was working for the Clintons during their entire process. Russell knew it but warned him that those relationships were going to burn him. If Russell went to DC and captured our sovereignty back from Britain but allowed David to help reopen Philadelphia, then what rights does David have to the flag? My opinion is he doesn’t and Russell didn’t put him on the board of directors. They did have a falling out and Russell somehow ended the alignment. Regardless if he did, David was never the real postmaster general. David and his mentees are operating out and away from Russell’s command and jurisdiction. That makes anyone under David’s leadership fraudulent and most likely working for the Vatican or perhaps to make a buck. My guess is the whore.
And it gets worse. In one interview I was watching, the host was an XRP QFS cheerleader. He wasn’t educated enough on his own show about the history of Russell and during the show, Russell warned him and his 100,000 followers that he has never heard of the quantum financial system and has major concerns. He asked who is on the board of trustees for it? The host couldn’t answer because just as I had suspected, XRP and QFS is a deep state trap. What I discovered was Russell’s system is called the Quantum Banking System and not Quantum Financial System. One word changes the entire thing. Remember when I researched Ripple and who runs it? Well it is the world economic forum and the United Nations. Russell has stated many times in his interviews that those groups are fraudulent satanic entities still trying to enslave us.
The real and true cryptocurrency creator and patent holder is Russell Jay Gould which he created in 2001. Everyone stole his patents. Russell received a call from David Schwartz (ripple’s CTO), aka Satoshi Nakamoto in 2006 to ask permission for the rights to use Russell’s crypto algorithm to create bitcoin. Russell asked how it would benefit humanity. Schwatrz replied, it won’t. Schwartz verbally said he just wanted to make a lot of money. The XRP QFS system could be tied to FedNow and they most likely will give away crypto for you to sign up. But it’s the beast system. It’s a trap. The med beds and all of the rumors we have all heard is a lie from the deep state. None of QFS and its promises have anything to do with the real postmaster general and I would steer clear from this deception and influencers who peddle this. Yes, that means some of the big names spreading this lie are ignorant, blackmailed or paid off.
So what are we left with? Where is our hope? Kim Clement, a Christian Prophet who predicted Trump’s presidency, said that one man will pick up a stone and stand in front of the bloodlines and they will laugh at him. I believe this man is Russell Jay Gould. Kim continued that the lord said the plan is so brilliant that it could only be given by me. Then Kim said the name of that man would be gold. Is it a coincidence that Russell’s last name is Gould? And there’s more. There are over a dozen prophets who predicted Trump winning and Russell’s accomplishments. Mark Taylor, Charlie Shamp, Greg Scroggins, Chris Reed, Kat Kerr, Robin Bullock, Rich Vera, Tracy Cooke, Troy Black, Kevin Zadai Mario Murillo, Paula White and Annamarie Strawhand just to name a few. All prophesied Trump will take it all down. Russell Gould is a Christian. I believe he is called by the father to take down the deep state. I couldn’t find any data on Trump and Gould ever meeting. Even if Trump was part of the deep state, God is using Russell moving forward and eventually, God will give Russell Gould the resources, armies and finances he needs to once and for all take out the deep state and put in the quantum banking system. I put my hope and faith that Trump is truly working with Russell secretly. And this is what Q meant when he said nothing can stop what is coming.
There are a few details that I didn’t add to parts 1 through 5 that could potentially tie this story up for some of you. I received enough comments from die hard researchers of this story so I decided to make this amendment. In Bill Clinton’s book, My Life, he mentions that he is the United States’ last president. He wasn’t kidding. The federal government had to physically vacate the constitution which was the rules and guidelines for the bankruptcy thus the 2000 election was held in Florida and not in DC. No one noticed. It was fraudulent and so was 911.
After Philadelphia, Russell proceeded to head to the pentagon to look for his desk there because he wanted to make some changes. Since he already went to the Supreme Court and fired the justices, he was the recognized chief judge. That was the last straw for some of the compromised generals. They broke protocol because they did not send in the flag of duty officer. This was a bad sign. That’s when the pentagon declared war on Russell. That ended the peace treaty Russell had with them. He had to go to war with the very thing he just saved. Rumsfeld was there and they were pointing fingers and laughing at him. He was escorted off by a swat team. That day Russell made a publication into the pentagon for martial law. He conducted a military court martial and trial that lasted 3 years at the Washington mall near the satanic obelisk. He mailed every base and fort of over 10,000 letters in the US and held a military duty post through the law of the flag and made a log book of who came on and off the bases he owned. They had helicopters, dishes with microphones and heavy surveillance on him the entire time.
In 2006, the pentagon created false charges in the state of Michigan. When he arrived in the federal court rooms in Casper Wyoming, us marines proceeded to beat him up, handcuffed him, knocked him out and extradited him to San Bernardino CA and beat him up again with metal batons. Then they moved him 10 days later to Oklahoma City where a rear admiral met with him informing him they were going to drop him into his first war. Then they moved him to the federal courts in Michigan where the charges were from. The trick they were performing to bypass his authority as judge over all was Michigan was one of the 5 territories where Abraham Lincoln went to renew the bankruptcy to fight the south. They were using two books to prosecute. One for the flag of Michigan, under Lincoln’s approved IMF loan and the other under the federal flag which Russell owned. This means they used the State of Michigan and the previous laws under Lincoln to bypass Russell’s Grammar Syntax of now or today. It was a dirty trick. He won the case, however. They tied him up into a chair and forced him to use adverbs, verbs, adjectives and pronouns to get him to concede because they knew he used prepositional phrases to certify his facts. They said he would get 25 years if he didn’t. Coercion at its finest.
US Marshalls came in and pushed Donald Davis off of him. He was the congressman of North Carolina at that time most likely sent by Rumsfeld. They untied him and took him into a back room. The admitted he was the chief judge and wanted to know why he court martialed Bush and Cheney. They said they are bad people and don’t like what he’s doing. It appeared many of the chains of commands couldn’t stop the Bush/Clinton machine. Their hands were tied. The problem was David Wynn Miller is claiming performances and he was not with Russell. They said they believe Russell not not David. They asked if David was with him at the Supreme Court and pentagon and he said no. They asked if David was at the Vatican? He said no. They concurred. They asked about the triangled periodic table he created. Basically the secrets that the bad guys keep. To see if he’s the real thing. They proceeded to tell Russell, David is claiming he is a sovereign country owning the land of the courts under contract. Again, backing my statements in my prior videos about David bearing false witness and sabotaging all of Russell’s work. He won the trial and they could not book him. He went 45 days without food trying to get his fingerprints and he refused. The department of affairs for the state of Michigan surrendered their flags to him in booking and the US military came in to ask his support on a number of things.
The United States government doesn’t care about the people. They care about their retirement and power over the people but never for the people except for the US Marshalls. They were the only ones that stopped the abuse of Russell and trusted he is who he is. It’s interesting to note that all of the people seen behind the mangy politicians like Pelosi and McConnell and many more were US Marshals. I don’t have the proof and am missing so many pieces to the big picture that it’s hard to say who controls what and why. But Russell Jay Gould still carries the title 4 flag to this day and every government around the world has to contract through him. All of the torture, coercion attempts, raids and even blackmail never worked. The deep state decided to just ignore him and continue their scam. Because the birth certificate scam was over thanks to Russell, they put the mRNA into the shots to change human DNA. This is the next legal control mechanism of the future and that is called transhumanism. You have no rights if you’re not human.
The quantum banking system outline was created in 2001 and was filed at the world bank and International Monetary Fund in December of 2002. The system was based on hard assets that tied to autonomy of sovereignty to allow different concepts of wealth to flourish by the people and not by the banks. Russell found the International Monetary Fund charters to be fraudulent as they modified their verbs with adverbs and facts with adjectives. He sued and rewrote the construct for a global monetary font which backdrops the insurance policies off of corporate structures for drawing rights. The IMF was the holder of the bankruptcy notes which forced many nations into servitude to the international bank of settlements. It created a fraudulent enforcement tool against the citizens of the world that were yolked into these fraudulent debts by their elected officials.
He underwrote the insurance policies of the underwriters and put a new concept for a toll on the banks from pillaging resources from mining and forced them to look at other resources like algae instead for example. This means banks cannot control a country’s resources just because they owe money to the IMF. This forces the banks into a position of balance. He also built a male and female spirit into the banking environment when before it was purely male which scared the hell out of the vatican because it was always man to man dealings. This brings commerce into a more natural masculine and feminine into the chemical wedding alchemy concepts.
Now let’s stop for a second and think about this. There is a war on women. Transgenders are taking over women’s rights. Every time women finally breaks the glass ceiling, the LGBTQ community diverts that attempt. This is the corporations rebelling against Russell and his male/female banking system. And the world economic forum’s green new deal is trying to herd all of the people into a select few cities to preserve nature because Russell forced them to stop raping and pillaging the planet of its resources.
Russel and David were flown to the Vatican for a meeting with the 13 bloodlines where Russell gave a presentation of his quantum banking structure. The world bank and the International Monetary Fund families have never seen a banking system that was whole and complete like Russell’s. For example, they didn’t understand as Russell did, that having a balance of male and female in the ebb and flow of commerce puts the world into a good way of achieving wealth instead of man dominance or cave man behavior. This made the Jesuits extremely angry. And it also made David Wynn angry and during the presentation in front of the Jesuits, David exposed himself and his ties to the Rothchilds by starting a fist fight with Russell. This was the beginning of the end for the two. After returning from that meeting at the Vatican, The NSA, department of defense and the CIA pulled Russell into a meeting to answer the question of what the ramifications of having the male and female energy to create commerce meant for the banking constituencies of the world.
The Vatican requested Russell and David again and this time David wasn’t allowed to go into a secret room because they said David didn’t have enough knowledge. At that time, David was completely pushed out. Russell went into the meeting and contracted with the Vatican to control all military, banking and commerce contract performance and answered many questions from cardinals and Jesuits including the Opus Dey. They literally surrendered to him. According to Russell, no one has ever challenged the 13 families of the mathematical sequences of moving harmonics and energy through space and time and they did not know anything about the new periodic tables he presented where the elements made actual sense and were in harmony. Their surrender wasn’t a happy one. They called him many names. They tried to cast spells on him during the meeting but he outsmarted them by asking how much money did they pay for their education because it’s not his job to teach them what he knows. The 13 families would be forced capitulate and stop stealing and starting wars for profit.
Interpol and the CIA watched the meetings and when Russell returned to America once again, they too cursed him and said he amounted to nothing. However, they learned the quantum grammar syntax and still use it to this day. Since the surrender, the deep state continue to stay functioning based off the ignorance of the people and the militaries of the world. The militaries work for the post office and he’s the postmaster of the military. He still gets called in to discuss problems around the world. According to Russell, the citizens are giving their freedom away by continuing to pay their taxes voluntarily and not Donny any research to study their rights.
Since 1999, there are no guidelines. No one reauthorized the continental government. No one has a claim of life because of the usery. Because the citizens only know one thing. Credit and debt. A slave to the system and having to hustle. The education has to be put into place so we can create our own communities and government. Many of the bloodlines have asked to join him. Russell has refused. Governments will continue to enslave their citizens until they get educated on the laws if the land and sea.
The apparent opening of the quantum banking system occurred in 2021. It is a safety net that uses the quantum grammar system and is backed by hard commodities such as gold, platinum and other rare earth metals. The banks, according to Russell, all use Russell’s system. David Wynn, it appears, was somehow compromised by the bloodlines and almost sabotaged the entire program. David split off and started his own postmaster general ideologies and was mentor to Mark Christopher. David Straight attended Russell’s seminar and it is assumed he trained under David Wynn before he passed on the information and his title to Mark Christopher. It is unclear as to David’s teachings and Mark Christopher’s declaration as to being the real postmaster versus Russell and how that works. You know the saying, the devil’s in the details.
Russell’s journey is one amazing story. It is worthy of a blockbuster movie. It would be right up there with National Treasure. I can’t confirm or deny that he went through that entire ordeal or was used as opposition through his family dynasty. I do not doubt the authenticity of his journey and again commend him for such bravery. However, the approach he and David took, could have benefitted if they first went straight to the US Military to ask for help to remove the Rothschild third central bank charter. To be honest, that probably wouldn’t have worked either as they too, are compromised. I have read blogs and books that say the Rothschild banking dynasty is valued at 500 trillion. That kind of money would buy the world over. But, we have no real proof. Just like we have no real proof of Russell and David’s journey. Russell claims he is sovereign post master general and so does David’s protege. Who is right? Who is wrong? More importantly, just because Russell holds the Title 4 battle flag and controls Philedelphia’s post office doesn’t mean the state will do what he says. They have denied him many times. And lastly, he went without food or water for 60 days when he was imprisoned. It was partly a protest but they started it. How he survived that is an act of God.
Many have asked me to explain what the sovereignty movement is. Obviously, you don’t have to become sovereign under Russell and his campaign. Many people have done it by themselves by researching or finding a tutor or mentor who walks them through it. For example, I interviewed Liza Ivanovna of Claim The Name and she figured out how to wipe out debt and claim your sovereignty through the same approach but which seemed to be easier for me. Although I didn’t continue her program and learn it thus using it, it’s obvious to me that this isn’t a thing we have to do under Russell. You can watch that interview here:
I was never comfortable with any of the processes to become sovereign. The reason is simple. Jesus said to render Caesar what is Caesar’s. This means to pay what your government law requires. If we try and go around the law, we are not doing so. It’s not biblical to become sovereign. We are born in a country and need to honor their law. We are just guests here. An ambassador representing the Kingdom of Heaven. To make money in a foreign land and not pay your taxes is fraud. Not only that, we really need to have wisdom when it comes to fighting against the law. You never want to give your enemy any ammunition to put you in jail. If you claim sovereignty and are doing so to avoid paying your fair share, it is wrong.
I understand there are positions where people are in that they have to invoke their straw man to claim their rights over a hostile takeover. Case in point, The Bundy Ranch. I do believe if they went this route, they could have claimed alloidal title and take the land right out from under the government. This would have saved millions on both sides from the dispute and in Malheur Reservoir and Ruby Ridge, the same. Wisdom should be applied for any moment one decides to take sovereignty. It should be for situations where the government is extending their overreach and not playing by the rules.
In order to understand sovereignty, we need to understand land titles (allodial titles), common law (land) and maritime law (sea). In the dark ages:
Land was granted, not bought:
* Powerful lords (kings, nobles) granted land (fiefs) to vassals in exchange for loyalty and service (military, administrative).
* Peasants typically worked the land of their lord and paid rent or taxes.
Limited individual ownership:
* Most peasants did not "own" land in the modern sense.
* Their rights to use and cultivate the land were often tied to their service to the lord.
"Title" was less formal:
* Evidence of landholding included charters (grants of land), records of service, and local customs.
* The concept of individual ownership as we understand it today was less developed.
During the "Dark Ages" in Europe, peasants had limited rights. Here's a summary:
* Limited Freedom of Movement:
* Serfs were bound to the land and could not leave without the lord's permission.
* Freemen had more mobility but were still subject to restrictions.
* Obligations to the Lord:
* Peasants owed labor services to their lord (often several days per week).
* They also paid taxes and rents in the form of crops or other goods.
* Right to a Small Plot of Land:
* Peasants typically had the right to cultivate a small plot of land for their own subsistence.
* Protection from Arbitrary Violence:
* While not always consistently upheld, there were some legal protections against excessive abuse by the lord.
* Access to Justice (Limited):
* Peasants could sometimes appeal to local courts or church authorities for justice against their lord.
11th-13th Centuries: Some peasants began to acquire land through inheritance, purchase, or lease.
14th-16th Centuries: The Black Death (1348-1350) significantly impacted the balance of power between lords and peasants. Labor shortages led to increased peasant demands and greater opportunities for landownership.
15th-18th Centuries: The rise of market economies and the decline of feudalism gradually increased the ability of peasants to buy and sell land.
Sovereignty rests with the state: Sovereignty refers to the ultimate authority and supreme power within a territory. In the 18th century, this authority rested with the monarch or the state.
Landowners had rights, but not absolute power: Landowners had significant rights within their property, such as the right to use, cultivate, and dispose of it. However, these rights were subject to the laws and regulations of the state.
State authority continued to exist: Even as individual landownership increased, the state maintained its authority over taxation, law enforcement, and other aspects of governance.
Worldwide, you never were sovereign under any state. A straw man argument involves misrepresenting someone else's position to make it easier to attack. Instead of addressing the actual argument, you create a weaker, distorted version of it and then argue against that.
The straw man argument that we are sovereign doesn’t hold in the laws of the state. The argument bears no fruit when the state has paperwork of your birth certificate claiming you. Upper case or lower case, the straw man argument only wastes the court’s time because the judges believe in their laws and most likely will not listen to prior laws that were once part of the state.
For example, Russell-Jay: Gould was subject to arrest by the state of Michigan because the federal government used their older laws to arrest him. This was the last state to update their terms since the civil war when it came to citizens’ rights. Although the federal government used the loophole and ironically used a straw man defense to arrest him, Russell had no leg to stand on in court. They usurped him by doing what he was doing. Honoring and arguing old laws.
This doesn’t mean one party or the other is right or wrong. It all depends on the judge who interprets the data that is presenting to them. Using the sovereignty defense does work for minor things like getting rid of credit card debt. It sometimes works if a state is out of date and continue with older laws of the land. And this is arguing common law.
Martime law, which Russell uses, argues that we are vessels. Our bodies are just ships flowing in water. Wherever we drift, we may be subject to sea law. Most of the ocean is considered international waters, meaning they are open to all nations for navigation, fishing, and other lawful uses. In essence, the sea is a global commons, a shared resource for all humanity. While no one entity owns it, there are international agreements and laws that govern its use and protect it from overexploitation. The moment you touch land that is owned, you are subject to their jurisdiction and customs. As long as you are on the sea, you are safe from owners.
This is the straw man argument where Russell is arguing that air is the sea and places like the police station or the courts are just docks. This is arguing you are a vessel traveling in international waters all over the earth whether on land or in the sea. Wherver you dock, whether it is an office building, house, apartment or government building, you generally retain the rights of a vessel owner, subject to the terms of your docking agreement and applicable state and local regulations. The moment your boat is out of the water, you are subject to the states laws. When you dock your boat in a foreign country, you're considered a foreign visitor or a guest of that country. Not a sovereign citizen.
When you are out in the sea, you have certain fundamental freedoms under international law, primarily enshrined in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.
* Freedom of Navigation: You have the right to navigate the high seas freely.
* Freedom of Overflight: You have the right to overfly the high seas.
* Freedom of Fishing: You have the right to fish on the high seas, subject to international regulations to prevent overfishing.
* Freedom of Scientific Research: You have the right to conduct scientific research on the high seas.
* Freedom to Lay Submarine Cables and Pipelines: You have the right to lay submarine cables and pipelines on the seabed
That’s it. So, to apply the straw man principle to argue that I am a captain or pirate instead of a seafarer, mariner, passenger or boater, I will go back to the laws pre United Nations. The dominant principle was the "freedom of the seas," which asserted that the high seas were open to all nations for navigation, fishing, and other lawful uses. It was open to much interpretation and easily argued in court. So I could kills whales and no one could do a thing about it. But the laws change. Arguing the straw man is saying no one owns the sea so I can do whatever I want. You can say show me the legal documentation of the owner of these coordinates and prove to me I am trespassing. Their problem is, they docked and are a guest who is subject to the common law of the land they are in.
In my research of the Rothchild’s family, I came across some evidence that stunned me. In 1912, In the December issue of, “Truth,” magazine, George R. Conroy states of banker Jacob Schiff, “Mr Schiff is head of the great private banking house of Kuhn, Loeb, and co, which represents the Rothschilds interests on this side of the Atlantic. He has been described as financial strategist and has been for years the financial minister of the great impersonal power known as Standard Oil. He was hand in glove with the Harrimans, the Goulds, and the Rockefellers in all their railroad enterprises and has become the dominant power in the railroad and financial power of America.” The name Gould is tied to the ancient Anglo-Saxon culture of England. It comes from the Old English word Gold. This term was often used as an endearment or show of affection. A goldsmith banker who did business in London in 1690, Thomas Gould is one of the ancestors of Barclays bank. Jay Gould was an American railroad magnate and financial speculator who founded the Gould business dynasty in the 19th century. He was known as a robber baron and was one of the wealthiest men of his time.
Alice M. (Brandt) Gould died in 2019 at the age of 95. A private family service was held for her at the Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery in Elwood, Illinois. Alice was a member of the Gould family, which was involved in business, politics, and philanthropy. Jay Gould, a member of the family, died in 1892 and left his entire fortune to his family.
Jay Gould's son, George Jay Gould, inherited a portion of the family fortune and his father's railroad holdings. However, the Goulds lost control of most of their railroads due to mismanagement by George Jay Gould. Despite losing their wealth, subsequent generations of the family remained involved in business, politics, and philanthropy. There is also a Gould bank in California. The Gould’s are 4th cousin 9 times removed via James Butler from The Queen of England, 4th cousin 2 times removed via Rev. Peter Bulkeley of John Hancock, signer of the Declaration of Independence. 5th cousin 11 times removed via Richard Fitzalan of Henry the 8th, King of England and 6th times removed related to the Bush family. 7th removed from Mitt Romney. I am not interested in finding proof that Russell is for or against the truth movement. I am just pointing out that we can’t trust anyone. Especially the Rothchilds whom The Gould’s worked for years ago.
So, if the straw man sovereign movement is arguing older laws versus new via common and maritime law, then is it legit or not? Let’s dive into why it has worked for some people and why it has not worked for some. Make no mistake, it works under many circumstances when it comes to debt collectors and city, county and state arguments. Another explanation of the straw man is a third party that holds property in intermission for the sole purpose of transferring it to another. Followers of the Strawman theory often use it as an argument that a physical individual has no legal responsibilities. To present yourself in court or on paper that you represent the name that is being charged instead of stating you are that person. The birth certificate argument for example can be argued via a title of ownership of the body. Reclaiming your Birth Certificate or reclaiming your strawman refers to the process of assuming control of the legal fiction that is associated with your birth certificate. This means that you, as the living person, are now in a position of control over the legal document and have established a security interest in it, effectively becoming the owner of the document.
This works in many cases because even though the Crown says they own your body, no one actually owns a person, thus it would be slavery. Courts will dismiss cases for fear it will lead to the Supreme Court and attract attention to the reality. Only one person I know of has the legal documentation proving that the Crown owns us as debt collateral after the mother signs the birth certificate and that is Russell-Jay: Gould. He verbally told me he has proof. But has never shown it to me. Arguing the straw man truly depends on how smart you are in old and new laws of the state and of common and maritime laws. Lawyers are in the position to argue law. They do the same thing that a sovereign person would do when arguing a case of the representative, straw man and the state. In order to affectively win your case over the court, you would need to hire a straw man professional whom have argued this many times before and has a success rate in court.
Remember, the Judges went to school to learn common law and the laws of the state they practice. They are not experts in maritime law nor the straw man theory. To argue your way towards a win would be to challenge the court to prove that the name on paper is actually you. If you appear as a representative of this entity name, you can make a case about ownership of the body. Most judges whom are presented with this defense would rather end it than to pursue justification for the State. The reason is they will lose money and if argued properly in your defense, would have to prove they are operating legally as well, which they sometimes can’t if they have no bond to operate. Thus, the court would have to close down their LLC and move to another location. This happens sometimes.
So, to sum up, is Russell-Jay: Gould right? Yes he is, based on his interpretation of the laws. Are the state, county and city right? Yes, they are based on their interpretation of their laws. The outcome is who can argue their case better. Or in other words, who will outsmart who based on interpretation of post, present and future laws. I can create a document that says I own the Earth and void all laws worldwide to make me King. This would work if people followed me. The more on my side, the quicker I become King. The law is only protected when Society believes and follows it. All it takes is one person to stand up and fight for what they believe is right and a majority that follows. That is called a movement. But there is no wisdom in going the sovereignty route for the sake of being free from the state when the state and most of society believe in their laws. This move should be reserved for a time of rebellion. COVID and the lockdowns taught me that the people are ok with the world and its laws. To argue sovereignty would require you to have the world behind you. I do commend and appreciate those that take a stand against tyranny, which is everywhere in our legal system. However, I ask you this simple question. If sovereignty works in court, why is David Lester Straight, the man who claims to have worked with the Trump administration, wife in prison? Is that a casualty of war or a lesson against the powers we are up against? There is no sovereignty rebellion movement yet. For all I know, these chiefs of sovereignty are just paid opposition as my research of the dynasties and kingdoms since the dark ages that all uprisings are paid opposition and benefit the rich. Not one movement was ever organic.
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