Divine Names of the Lord

2 months ago

Elohim, eternal creator, weaving light and stars
Adonai, sovereign ruler, guiding us from afar
In the vast expanse, your name like a beacon glow
Through the darkest night, your power always shows

Jehovah Jireh, our provider, sustenance within your hands
Through the struggle, through the triumphs, you fulfill all our demands
In the silence of our prayers, you whisper hope anew
With every breath we take, your love comes shining through

Divine names, echo through the skies so high
Resonating in our hearts, lifting spirits to the sky
In your grace, we find our peace, our courage to go on
With every step, we’re held within, the embrace of your song

Jehovah Rapha, healer divine, mender of broken souls
In our pain and in our sorrow, you make the wounded whole
Balm for every wound, you soothe our deepest fears
With every tear that falls, you wipe away our tears

In the tapestry of life, your names are woven fine
Threads of hope and faith, in an intricate design.

🎵 Music & Lyrics Full Rights Registered to Give Hope and Love, LLC.
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