PHIL SCHNEIDER's Last Public Talks (11/1995)💀 Before Being Killed 2 Months Later By The Government

2 months ago

In 1995, a man calling himself Philip Schneider made a few appearances at UFO conventions, espousing essentially a new version of the theories mentioned above. Schneider claimed to be the son of U-boat commander who was captured by the allies and switched sides. According to Schneider, his father has been part of the Philadelphia Experiment. Schneider claimed to have played a role in the construction of Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs) across the United States, and as a result he said that he had been exposed to classified information of various sorts as well as having personal experiences with EBEs. He claimed to have survived the Dulce Base catastrophe and decided to tell his tale.


ARTICLE: Whistleblower Phil Schneider Found Dead After Revealing Alien Agenda

Phil Schneider, a government geologist and engineer with over 17 years of experience working on “black projects,” is undoubtedly one of the most important whistleblowers in modern history.

In September 1995, Mr. Schneider gave a presentation at the Preparedness Expo in which he exposed the New World Order Agenda and how it connects with extraterrestrials. During this speech, he presented physical evidence of alien metals and artifacts along with additional photographs to validate his claims

Less than six months after giving this presentation he was found dead in his apartment with a piano wire wrapped around his neck in what most would classify a military-style execution.

According to some close to the investigation, Mr. Schneider had been repeatedly and brutally tortured before being killed. Regardless, the authorities somehow ruled his death a suicide.

Phil Kept Telling Family and Friends “If I ever commit suicide, I was murdered!”.

Phil, knowing he was a target and that what he was doing was messing with hugely powerful people and creatures, pre-emptively told everyone that he was a target and that if he ever died mysteriously or committing suicide, he was murdered.

Before getting to the video, this article contains a summary of the information Mr. Schneider presented at the Expo, however it’s best you know some basic facts before going into the scope of what is happening right under our noses.

Mr. Schneider worked extensively on building deep underground military bases, better known as “DUMBS”. He claims that the information about aliens is kept well hidden from the public and that the U.S. military has known about the presence of aliens for a period of time dating back to 1909.




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