Disease in Reverse - Episode 2: Proven Protocols to Heal Disease from the Deadly Spike Glycoprotein

8 hours ago

Watch all 12 Episodes 'Disease in Reverse' for free at: https://DiseaseInReverse.net

o Discover the EXACT protocols our medical doctors are using to eliminate the venomous spike glycoprotein on their own patients
o Our top specialists reveal which natural medicines can safely and effectively detox biotoxins from your body.
o Learn how the jab damages our immune system - And how to reverse its destructive effects
o How you can heal fibrous blood clots caused by the deadly spike glycoprotein - Our experts reveal what you need to know.
o Dr. Henry Ealy reveals the mechanism behind "sticky blood" - And the natural protocols to help reverse it.
o Dr. Peter McCullough shares the deadly myocarditis injuries he's seeing for the first time in his career - Vaxx injuries are unprecedented.
o Top doctors reveal the long, rubbery blood clots that are breaking off and traveling to the eyes and the brain.
o The terrifying truth behind what happens to women and children when they receive this deadly bioweapon "vaccine"

Tags: Bioweapons, biotoxin, Reversing, Disease in Reverse, Jonathan Otto, Dr Bryan Ardis, Bryan Ardis, Ardis, Episode 1, Deadly Effects, Dr Henry Ealy, mRNA, vaccines, jabs, covid, covid 19, Dr Peter McCullough, Peter McCullough, C-19, blood clots, clots, plasmids, turbo cancers, cancer, remission, doctors, Big Pharma, spike, glycoprotein, immune cells, T Cells, heart disease, heart attacks, plandemic, pandemic, democide, depopulation, miscarriages, stillbirths

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