Lizard | JRE (Trying To Save His Ass.. )

1 month ago

This interview does feel like a confession a little but he’s also FKN lying. Maybe a tell all interview was on his list of things to do given to him by 45+ the day he visited the summer White House. I would have loved to be a fly on the wall for that one.

From a fellow Anon..
Trying to save his ass..

Mark Zuckerberg says Massive “Institutional Pressure” to Censor Americans began been Brewing since the Election of Donald Trump and Heightened During Covid

• There were 2 main events that triggered this…
—— The election of Donald Trump
—— Brexit in the EU

These two events disrupted the World Order in place and largely due to social media.
—— Communicating
—— Sharing Ideas
—— Challenging the narratives

• Then in 2020, Covid… again, communicating, sharing, challenging the narratives

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