Christopher Bollyn "The Dual Deception Of 9 11 The Fraudulent War On Terror”2016 Video 2

1 month ago

Christopher Bollyn "The Dual Deception Of 9 11 And The Fraudulent War On Terror”
2016 Video 2
9/11 Truth, Israel and Mossad.
Topics NWO, New World Order, Conspiracy, Illuminati, Occult, Secret Society, Inside Job, False Flag, 9/11, Rockefeller, Banking, Federal Reserve, Rothschild, Council on Foreign Relations, CFR, Bilderberg, CIA, MKULTRA, United Nations, UN, Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, War, Government, Politics, Royal Institute of International Affairs, RIIA, Round Table Group, Carroll Quigley, Freemasonry, Consciousness, Mind Control, bohemian grove, Mossad.
Chris does an excellent job going over all events, many have gone over tirelessly. Since the creation of Israel, the Mossad and CIA after being trained by Britian’s Mi6, have killed many Americans, and started most wars around the world. The attacks have been at the order of the Rothschild’s (they run the intel agencies, and most governments). Much of what JFK was trying to stop, the hit order was given on him, going down the ladder for planning and execution. Watch both to pick up on key research being presented.
Added date 2018-05-31 02:18:50 Video 2
Duration 1:58:01 hrs. video 2

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