Darkcel Returns | The Podcast #14 - Platonic Relationships w/ Foids is a Joke

3 days ago

As the title suggests, yes.. I’m talking about the foid race and how we’ve been tricked into believing that we as men can simply be allies, friends and comrades with the opposite sex. This neo-libtard fantasy of pushing platonic relationships between men and women is a fraud and quite frankly.. a psyop (imo) to eradicate the phenomenon of procreation. But even if you don’t believe in that conspiracy, you’ve got to admit… foids are some of the worst “friends” you can possibly have. Not only can they not bant, they just don’t understand the male species.. they don’t know how to actually interact with us without giving us a hard-on. I’ve never been able to take females seriously in that way, since I know socially.. they are inherently superior to me in that regard and can control the “room” as they see fit. An actual friendship is supposed to be somewhat equal in terms of the company you keep around… this is dude to collective interest and for the most part.. equal social standing. You can not have this with foids, as what I’ve already established before and within the contents of the video itself.

Anyways, enjoy.. or don’t. I’ll leave it up to you.

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