LA Dep't Of Water & Power CEO Janisse Quinones…DEI's $750K Per Year…Explains How LA Ran Out Of Water

2 months ago

Posted • January 10, 2025: Man oh man, California Democrats have really and truly screwed the pooch this week handling the fires in L.A. county. From traveling to Ghana to cutting the fire department's budget by tens of millions of dollars, to dry hydrants, and to governors running from reporters pretending to have to take a call so he could avoid answering questions… Democrats should finally be done 'ruling' one of our most beautiful states. They and their progressive policies that put 'equity' over taking care of the very people who have elected them have done so much damage, surely these fires will be enough for voters to do something different. Especially when their elected officials did this: Holy shiiit. LA just accidentally sent out an emergency evacuation order for the entire COUNTY. Third world. -- FOR. THE. ENTIRE. COUNTY. To put this in perspective, nearly 10 million people live in L.A. county. TEN MILLION. Imagine the panic. Imagine the gridlock.

This is the Democrat Party at work. The leadership in CA is incompetent. Never-ending incompetence. That's a LOT of incompetence. The blind leading the blind. The dumb leading the dumb is more like it. 🚨 DEI: LA Department of Water and Power CEO Janisse Quinones makes $750,000 per year. Listen to her explain how LA ran out of water. One job… Wait, she makes 3/4 of a million dollars A YEAR?! (…)

• More at: Twitchy - WOW: Just When We Thought CA Democrat Leadership Couldn't Get ANY Worse They Did THIS
Rumble: Incompetence Abounds: LA Accidentally Sent Out An Emergency Evacuation Order For The ENTIRE County

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