Smart City Demo - World Council on City Data - ISO 37120

27 days ago

*Read Description → This is the Initiation Plans for Smart Cities.

They will “attract” investments, receive federal funding, adhere to the UN Sustainability Development Goals, conform to the “Standardization” – they will all be on a standard or have a universal code and language in which can be shared among each other, from smart city to smart city for “developmental” purposes.
This IS what is going on right now.

It will be an entire new world government, where each Smart City will have their own government, but it will conform with the “Standardization Code for all Smart Cities.”

In other words the “Sovereignty” will be removed quietly and covertly right before them as the “citizens” are manipulated to confirm by the “Smart City Committees” – the Commissioners of each Smart City.

And people thought this smart city stuff was a Conspiracy Theory?


Trump is on it also and was promoting them in his first term. *See this → ***Trump Promotes 15-Minute Smart Cities As Freedom Cities – Patrick Wood --

From the Website, source #1.
What is ISO 37120?

ISO 37120 is the first international standard for cities ever published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in Geneva.

It was published in 2014 and since that time, the WCCD has been working with 100 cities worldwide in 35 countries to report data in conformity with the standard and become ISO certified.

ISO 37120 includes 104 key performance indicators (KPIs) across 19 themes – all prioritized by cities to measure performance on city services and quality of life. These metrics are modest and “do-able” and for the most part, are already being collected by cities across the world, just not in a standard or “apples to apples” way.

ISO 37120 provides cities with quantitative, globally comparable and independently verified local level data. Having standardized data enables any city, of any size, to measure and compare its social, economic, and environmental progress internally year over year, and also in relation to other peer cities locally and globally.

The World Council On City Data (WCCD) is supporting cities across the globe to report data in conformity with the definitions and methodologies contained in IsO 37120 - Indicators For Sustainable Cities.

OK – do you see the Order or Chain of Command being Established here? I am trying to help you guys understand that this is real and that we do indeed have an evil cabal who is writing these “rules, regulation, and standardizing bullsh*t.

Whenever you see those 3 letters – ISO – think of manipulation into accepting b.s. “standards” that are anti-humanity, anti-freedom, anti-rights and anit-sovereignty.

It is guiding you to accept their ideas as the only truth and your ideas not only don’t count, you can’t even bring them into the picture. Critical Thinking has been removed from the game. You are thus being “dumbed” down and led down a one way street.

The main problem is, is that they control the money. They can fund these and make everything outside of them fail, which is what the “storm” will be all about.

Smart Cities will be used just like the Jabs, when they give incentives and benefits to those who have lost their jobs due to the entrance of AI.

The masses will be “steered” to these smart cites.

The standardization will insure that we remain “dumbed” down. A Universal Basic Income will be introduced and a Social Credit Score will be attached to reward for conforming to the smart city community standards and can be punished for being “out of line” with the standard community standards.

Facebook was chosen to be “primer” for introducing this phrase as a Predictive Programming tactic – meaning, that when this is introduced we have been mentally “PRIMED” to accept or at the very least more apt to conform.

What is scary is that they are indicating there will be “Standardized Health Protocols” which you know what that means. They just LOVE the mRNA jabs.

Right now you are seeing Medicare Advantage Plans dropping Rural Areas and ONLY paying in the LARGE Urban Cities. This IS part of the plan. They will do just about everything to get people interested in moving to the big cities.

Medicare Advantage is a Federal Funded Medicare Part C – gap insurance that pays for what Medicare doesn’t. But they disguise it as private PPO (Preferred Provider Organization), but the provider, for instance, Blue Shield Blue Cross is getting ALL their funding from the government.

So you have Medicare funded by the Gov, Medicare Advantage funded by the Gov and Medicaid funded by the gov.

EVERYTHING is headed to be funded by the Government, which means the government has control and you lose control.

When there are no jobs, inflation is out of this universe, and few can afford food and rent – that is a crisis.

What happens during a crisis?

The loving government steps in with a solution

The government creates crisis and offer solutions to make people depend on them. Dependence equals conformity and conformity equals a very controllable society.

There is a LOT of dependence on the government.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of people at the Mercy of an Evil Government who is not known for compassion, empathy, love, and definitely not having mercy on those suffering and in dire need.

They act like they do by offering solutions that people basically are forced to accept.

They make it appear like it is all good on the outside.

They dress that pig up in the best clothes and give that sow a lot of make-up.

Yes, it may look decent.

But it’s still a PIG.

Don’t fall for the B.S.

Help others Wake Up and Understand what is happening.

Have a look at Source #2 below and read through the Los Angeles 2028 plans.


1. The World Council on City Data --

2. SmartLA 2025 – “Smart City” plans for Los Angeles --

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