πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯DEWSπŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯ ⚑️⚑️(Directed Energy Weapons)⚑️⚑️

2 months ago

⚑️⚑️(Directed Energy Weapons)⚑️⚑️
STEVEN D KELLEY, former CIA/NSA contractor, was a laser optics engineer, pioneer, who worked on high end military projects, such as the Star Wars Program. Below he describes in great detail about types of Directed Energy Weapons.
There are 2 main forms of weaponry.

1) Energy explosive destructive force such as a bullet or a torpedo. An explosion provides the energy.

2 Directed energy has no projectiles. The energy itself is used. DEWs uses light energy ( The Electromagnetic Spectrum ).
Infrared Rays are mostly used.

He discusses many different types of laser tech that is used in DEWs.
He discusses the difference in DEWs used in East Coast and West Coast Star Wars.
There are many different types of Lasers.
πŸ”ΊSome are continuous.
πŸ”ΊSome are pulse.
CO2, Chemical, Charge beamed particle
are mediums that can be used.

-He speaks of planes that have a DEW SYSTEMs along with drones and other loading devises.
-He also speaks of the weapons that were used to destroy the Twin Towers.
DEWs are located at the GETTY CENTER in LA.
He speaks of the use of DEWs in the destruction of the Twin Towers During 9/11

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