6 Habits to Make 2025 Your Best Year Yet

2 months ago

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Hey friends, I've thought a lot about the most productive and accountable way to do annual planning, and healthy habits that keep my life balanced, so in this video I'm going to go through my process. I hope it helps you do more of what matters to you in 2025. Enjoy! xx

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If we haven’t met before - Hey 👋 I’m Ali, a doctor-turned-entrepreneur and I’ve somehow become the world’s most followed productivity expert. Through my videos here on this channel, my podcast and my writing, I share evidence-based strategies and tools to help you be more productive and build a life you love.

0:00 - Introduction
00:45 - Habit: 1 - Ignoring The Concept of Annual Goals
03:56 - Habit: 2 - The Weekly Review
07:29 - Habit: 3 - The Morning Manifesto
12:59 - Habit: 4 - Focus Logs
15:24 - Habit: 5 - Standing Order Social Events
17:33 - Habit: 6 - Multimodality Multitasking

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