NIH/NTP Study Finds Fluoride Lowers IQ + Exclusive Interviews With Ryan Cole, M.D.

2 months ago

A growing number of jurisdictions are ending water fluoridation — an act long overdue, many parents, scientists, pediatricians, dentists and lawmakers would argue. According to some estimates, this toxic chemical can lower the IQ of children at an exposure level of 1.5 mg/L or above. But even at lower levels, neurotoxicity risk remains. Not to mention the margin of error allowed by the EPA, which some have suggested poses a dire situation for pregnant women in particular. A recent federal ruling concerning these findings has sparked timely discussions at the local level, resulting in bans and further inquiry. Here to break down the research and litigative action on this important topic is Kathy Thiessen, Ph.D.

Plus…Early on in his journey, Ryan Cole, M.D. came to a startling realization: “The [medical] system is built for administration and not for patients.” The COVID pandemic was even more of a wake-up call for Dr. Cole, as he witnessed the implementation of pandemic protocols, vilification of early treatments and rollout of experimental vaccines. And with expertise in pathology and an interest in virology and immunology, his insights on the global response to this noteworthy event have been crucial. During this edition of “Good Morning CHD,” Mary Holland, Esq. asks Dr. Cole a few critical questions to gain a better grasp of all that has transpired since the virus was first reported. Watch it on CHD.TV!

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Mirrored from / Original Video Source: Children's Health Defense TV - CHDTV -

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