First Big Arkansas Snow of 2025 - Jeep Talk, Snow Apocalypse, and Big Announcements

2 months ago

Join us as we navigate through the first significant snowfall of 2025 in Mountain Home, Arkansas, dubbed "Snowmageddon" or "Snow Apocalypse." In this video, we share our experience of gearing up the Jeep for the snow by lowering tire pressure to 15 psi with bead lockers for enhanced traction. The snow, described as fluffy and beautiful, covers unplowed roads, a common scenario in this part of Arkansas where plowing isn't frequent.

We discuss the challenges and realities of essential workers, like our partner, who must brave the elements without the luxury of snow days, highlighting how such policies push workers through unpaid time off. This video also touches on our personal journey towards a simpler, less materialistic lifestyle, emphasizing the value of time over money.

We explore how moving away from the 'rat race' can redefine personal wealth and freedom, offering insights into sustainable living. Despite the snow, there's no need for heavy-duty plowing as the temperatures are set to rise, melting the snow away.

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